"If you label me you negate me"--Søren Kierkegaar
Interrupted Lives: Portraits of Student Repression in Iran Since Iran's revolution in 1979, the government has systematically targeted students and deprived them of basic human rights. This trailer is a preview of a documentary that tells stories of students who have suffered repression, imprisonment, torture and worse. » View full film (21 minutes)
Nazanin SadighiPrisoner raped and tortured in 1980s
from FCNN:The Shahrara church of Assyrians in Tehran will be permanently closed following a court order by the revolutionary court and the announcement by the parliamentary member of the Assyrian community of Iran.According to reports received by the Farsi Christian News Network (FCNN), March 19th has been declared “Fathers’ Day” in the Assyrian community of Iran. On this day, March 19, 2009, the Assyrian member of the Islamic Parliament, Mr. Younatan Bet-Kelia, in speaking to the Assyrian community has announced that the Shahrara Church will be closed in the very near future by the order of the revolutionary court.In this report it has been emphasized that primary reason for the closure of the church is the attendance of many newly converted Muslims in the worship and fellowship services of the church.This announcement has been made in the context of recent comments by the Assyrian member if the Islamic Parliament, who represents more than 35,000 Assyrians in Iran, and in his opposition and protest regarding the manner in which the pastor and the leaders of the church are permitting the attendance of non-Assyrians into the services, has been predicting the soon closure of the church building in the near future.In reaction to these developments, on first Sunday of the new Persian New Year, Pastor Victor announced, in protest to the comments made by the Assyrian Member of Parliament that either the church will revert to being a purely Assyrian speaking church or it will be shut down.The committee of Christian Representatives of the International Human Rights Organizations considers this order by the islamic revolutionary court a direct assault on the Farsi-speaking Christian community of Iran in an attempt to eradicate the growth of the Christian community and the preaching of the gospel.This action is a direct violation of the basic human rights of these citizens in the freedom of changing religious beliefs and the freedom of thought and expression.It is important to mention that even from a month ago, the special Farsi spoken worship services were temporarily suspended by the pastor and the leadership of the church. No reasons were given for this action.The Pentecostal church of Shahrara, for more than 8 years, has been conducting special gospel and worship services in the Farsi Language on Fridays and Sunday for the Farsi speaking members and seekers.Related LinkFarsi speaking Christians refused entry to churchA new Draft Law proposes Death Penalty for Apostasy in Iran Death penalty proposed for apostates three iranian christian arrested in athens The home of an Iranian Christian refugee couple was burned down in Turkey Two brothers honor their father’s martyrdom in award-winning movie A Cry From Iran A Christian satellite ministry celebrates Iranians benefit from Bible training conference Be thankful for our freedom of religion A cry from iran - Part 3 - A Convert Imprisoned +Video A cry from IRAN - part 2 + video Iran Bishop's Son Talks about Film + Video Israelis Are Not Jews and American Leaders Are Not Christian Iranian Church Stands Strong Amid Pressure Christian author reveals ‘disillusioned’ Iranians are turning to Jesus Christ Cyrus the Great Day Jesus TV breaks through barriers in Iran Sentence of whipping , and assaulting an Iranian Christian couple The US Federal Court Ruled Against the Islamic Regime in Iran Iranians Flocking to Christian Television Converting to Islam, the only way to escape the death penalty for the Christian woman Amnestys on Returning Christian Converts To Iran Nelson completes assessment trip Testimony Wife - Rev Mehdi Fatehi + Video Torturing an Iranian Christian for his confession of faith in Christ New Anglican Bishop Installed for Iran Satellite-TV Strengthens the Underground Church Ministry confirms wave of persecution in Iran Only hope kept Iranian refugee prisoner going UN stops examining human right violations in Iran and Uzbekistan A Christian Exodus From the Arab World President Vows to Stop Christianity in Iran Christian satellite television provides hope in Iranian crisis Iran's Secret Terror Iranian Imam Receives Christ Via Satellite TV, Escapes Country - Tortured For a Faith He Did Not Possess Sudan, Iran vow to defeat 'enemies of Islam' Iranian standoff worries many; Christians offer peace via satellite TV Pressure on Iran builds; believers hold fast to truth Open Doors Strengthens Suffering Iranian Christians Ahmadinejad preparing Iran for Imam Mahdi + video ...Iranian Christians growing, wanting more resources ...Saint Peter's Church in Esfahan was closed down - Iran Prayer Campaign -Iranian Believers Suffer;and Endure;Under Extreme Pressure - Seduction and persecution of the Church - Silent Waves of Persecution in Iran Evangelical Church in Iran Denounce Government Crackdown Christian TV brings certainty, to uncertain time in Iran Christian Couple Flee Persecution in North Iran
"An American fighter jet shot down an Iranian drone as it was flying over Iraq, U.S. military sources in Baghdad tell Danger Room.Details of the previously-unreported shoot-down, which occurred last month, are still sketchy. But we do know that American commanders have long accused Tehran of supplying weapons and training to all sorts of Iraqi militant groups. Shi'ite militias fired Iranian rockets at U.S. troops in Iraq, according to the American military; Sunni militias allegedly used Iranian armor-piercing bombs to reduce U.S. vehicles to ribbons.In early 2008, however, the torrent of Iranian weapons into Iraq slowed to a trickle, the U.S. said. And now, the new Obama administration is looking for ways to reach out to the Tehran regime -- dangling invitations to international conferences, and offering promises of renewed relations.Which means the drone incident comes at a particularly sensitive time.Iran has built an array of unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs. The pneumatically launched Ababil ("Swallow") has a wingspan of more than 10 feet, and cruises at 160 knots, according to Globalsecurity.org. The Mohajer or Misrad ("Migrant") drone is a bit smaller, and slower-flying.Iran has supplied Hezbollah, the Lebanese terror group, with both models. Misrad drones flew reconnaissance missions in both November 2004 and April 2005. Then, in 2006, during Hezbollah's war with Israel, the group operated both Misrads and Ababils over Israel's skies. At least one was shot down by Israeli fighter jets.Since then, Tehran claims to have radically upgraded its unmanned fleet. In 2007, Iran said it built a drone with a range of 420 miles. In February, Iran's deputy defense minister claimed its latest UAV could now fly as far as 600 miles -- a huge improvement over crude drones like the Misrad, if true. Iran often exaggerates what its weapons can do. But, if this drone really can stay in the air for for that long, the Washington Times notes, "it could soar over every U.S. military installation, diplomatic mission or country of interest in the Middle East." Including those in Iraq.UPDATE: So I finally got a hold of a spokesman for Multi-National Corps - Iraq. His response "I believe MNF-I [Multi-National Forces - Iraq -- Corps' bosses, basically] is taking the lead on this incident." So then I reach out to MNF-I. A spokesman there wouldn't confirm the shoot-down. Nor would he deny it. "We've got nothing for you, Noah," the spokesman said.[Photo: Globalsecurity.org]h/t to: CJ
Jill Bolte TaylorShe was a 37-year-old Harvard-trained brain scientist when a blood vessel exploded in her brain. Jill Bolte Taylor talks with Oprah about how she watched her own mind completely deteriorate, and about the spiritual and medical metamorphosis she experienced after.Season 2: Part 1Season 2: Part 2Season 2: Part 3Season 2: Part 4
Reprinted from Potkin's blog:Etemad Meli daily printed in Iran, has reported a war veteran, Dr. Reza Jalali, as having been sentenced to 10 months in prison, 30 lashes and payment of a monetary penalty by the Gorgan court. Dr. Jalai was found guilty by the court for 'making illegal speeches' and 'insulting government officials' . He was previously rejected by the Guardian Council to stand as a candidate for the Islamic Assembly.Dr. Jalali is a member of the university's scientific committee and served a total of 70 months in the fronts from the age of thirteen defending Iran against Saddam's invasion . He is also categorised as 70% wounded during the war. A hero of the war against Iraq who suffered Saddam's shrapnels now has to face the lashes of the Islamic Republic.The plaintiff against him was the Gorgan governor, Major Ja'far Gorzin, who never served in the fronts himself but has been promoted for his servile conduct towards the Islamic Republic authorities.More and more war veterans in Iran are standing up against the injustices and the monopoly of the power by the few in the Islamic Republic, for this is not what they fought for!See the clip made for Dr. Reza Jalali:
Happy International Women's Day!For International Women’s Dayby Azadeh Azad08-Mar-2009From: Iranian.comOn the splendid plateau of my landFor the last thirty years of choked breathCloaked bearded men of Islamic brandTime-traveller tyrants from old ArabiaHave planted phallic bars of Sharia LawAnd celebrated dark demons of deceitWith dictators of worst kind in command.Blades of injustice have ripped throughWomen’s mind leaving one million signs ofPain behind one million wounds to mendUnder bruised skies of a bloodthirsty trend.But in this darkest field of steel weedsAnd strangler vines there are gentle breedsOf swaying blossoms splashing stars that turnThe darkness into light stillness into dancingWith glancing floods of love on the lightsOf Cyrus Cylinder first charter of human rightsDreaming not of a Saviour not of aClownWho is like no one but of themselves aloneThe way they ought to be when they’re awake.They go on the road door to door quarterTo quarter city to village voicing wordsPassing pamphlets enacting ordeals collectingSignatures in support of changes to tribal lawsAgainst women in defiance of sordid menWith thickened crevices in their brains.They go through revolving doorsOf Evin jail, of the Dark Ages mindsIn the language of quiet change convictedOf pregnancy with the concept ofWomen’s parity in all realms of life.They emerge from that hell with celebrationsGather in each other’s houses refresh their vowsAnd keep at it hard and heavy till EnlightenmentComes in to win their rights in the Year of One. For now one million signs of pain blaze and burnInto their One Million Signatures CampaignAs the curves of their minds become new pathsTo the garden of fair play and their persistenceOpens the floodgates to their righteous way.May one day victory of daughtersOf Anahita be rejoiced by everyoneThrowing flowers into the Goddess’sFlowing waters in not so far future. ©2009, Azadeh Azad This poem is dedicated to the following Iranian feminists and members of the grass-root "One Million Signatures Campaign to Change Discriminatory Laws Against Women," who have been attacked, arrested, found guilty of acting against national security, imprisoned in solitary confinement and / or forbidden to leave the country.
Pa. company says blueprints for Marine One found at Iran IP addressNBC News and msnbc.comA company that monitors peer-to-peer file-sharing networks has discovered a potentially serious security breach involving President Barack Obama's helicopter, NBC affiliate WPXI in Pittsburgh reported Saturday.Employees of Tiversa, a Cranberry Township, Pa.-based security company that specializes in peer-to-peer technology, reportedly found engineering and communications information about Marine One at an IP address in Tehran, Iran.Bob Boback, CEO of Tiversa, told WPXI-TV: "We found a file containing entire blueprints and avionics package for Marine One, which is the president's helicopter."