About the Picture!
I recently posted the above picture for an earlier commentary. It was brought to my attention by a brilliant friend that comparing the Islamists terrorists to Nazis fascist was at best naive and at worst an insult to fascists and Hitler. She said Goebbels is profoundly insulted in his grave...haha
Why are the Islamists revolutionaries are more destructive and lethal than the Nazi Fascists?
Nana explains:
باور نميکني برايت مينويسم تا باورت شود قربانت گردم فاشيست ها بابا کلي بافرهنگ بودند و متمدنعاشق هنر بودند براي همين موزه هاي پاريس را غارت کردندو همه را در سوئيس انباشت کردنداينان دلشان نيامد به پاريس زيبا که تاريخ مجسم است حمله هوائي نا مترقبه کنند و به فرانسويان اخطار دادند که اگر دلتوننميخواد مثلني نوتردام فزرتش قمصور بشه دستا بالا .فرانسوي ها هم گفتند - به روي چشم !!!!بابا فاشيست هاي هيتلري به سرمايه داري مدرن و صنعتي اعتقاد داشتند فاشيست ها حتي يهوديان هنرمند را مانند نخود لوبيا جدا کردهو بعدها که ديگر خودشان فزرتشان قمصور شد به اطاق گاز فرستادند و کلي از يهوديان کمپ برايشان هفته اي دو سه بار ارکستر محفلي راه مي انداختند و قطعات کلاسيک موسيقي را گوش کرده و مورمورشان ميشد بابا آنان را چه به اين بيابان گردان روستائي الاغ که موسيقيشانعرعر کسي از بلندگوي مسجدي نکبتي است از روي کتاب قرانو هنر برايشان عکس هاي کينک گونگي خميني يا رهبر مادرجندهرا نقاشي و به در و ديوار با تف زور بچسبانند اينان را چه به تاتر - اپرا - سينما - بانک - مدرسه - دانشگاه - اتحاديه و بگير و برو ....به جان خودم اگه الان اين عکس را مثلني گوبلز ميديد خون نداشته دراستخوان هاي گنديده در قبرش منجمد نميشد زيرا خوني نبود ....................................................نانا
--Partial Translation and my own interjections in bold:
The Nazi had certain principles and ethics (however twisted) when it came to dealing with their own people and their country (Unlike the mullahs who have no regards for their own citizens and the country ).They respected modern and industrial capitalism Unlike Khomeini who told the masses "Economy is for donkeys"(eventual collapse of oil inudstry is fulfilling Khomeinis' economic vision). She also reminds us that the fascist Nazi respected artists and art(paintings, opera, theatre) even the Jewish ones. They had commissioned many Jewish composers to create and play classical music for them in the camp. She also explains that they warned the parisians before bombing them and moved all of the art pieces in Paris museums to Switzerland for safekeeping. Again this is unlike the Islamists who blew up the Buddahs sculptures in Afghanistan and destroying the museum city of Isfahan in Iran, which is part of the world's national heritage assigned by the UN.
--End of Translation--
Nana is a proud Infidel Warrior who's been fighting the Islamist pestilence for over 28 years in Iran and here in the US. Twenty seven years ago, she had the astutness and intellect to recognize that the Khomeinist movement (exportation of militant Islam) would turn into ideological struggle of our time that will shape the course of world history before any of President Bush's speeches in recent years. She also knew unlike the leftists who have joined forces with the Islamists that the Khomeinist movement had nothing to do with fighting against "imperialism" but everything to do with becoming one.
She is an inspiration and a force to reckon with. She is a prouduct of a revolution that was hijacked by the Islamist terrorists and shattered all of her dreams for a democratic Iran which she had fought for all her youth. She mostly writes in Persian because most of her efforts are concentrated at deconstrucing the disinformation propaganda that has been systematically funded and unleashed by the Islamic republic of Iran inside the country and abroad disguised as a bunch of "fake dissenters" and thinly veiled paid agents (assortment of ME experts and pundits/bloggers) of the Islamic Republic inside Iran and the West. She finds them wherever they are and she bulldozes them with her incredibly superior and creative power of logic, acerbic humor and her laser-sharp debate skills. Most of her comments are about debunking those shills who peddle the Islamic Republics agenda in Iran and abroad. Her style can only be described as 'Nanesque'. I'm certain that her efforts will be appreciated and recognized once Iran is liberated from the hands of those Islamist occupiers who are running Iran.
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