Iran Headline News
The Christian Science Monitor: Iranians' (not the Islamic Republic) love affair with America . The US mustn't squander the vast majority of Iranian hearts and minds that it has already won.
Timeonline: Iran’s strongman loses grip as ayatollah offers nuclear deal
Kenneth Timmerman: How to Topple the Mullahs
BBC: Cheney turned down Iran offer in 2003.
An Iranian offer to help the United States stabilize Iraq and end its military support for Hezbollah and Hamas was rejected by Vice President Dick Cheney in 2003, a former top State Department official told the British Broadcasting Corp.
Oh! it's all Cheney's fault because he should have trusted Mullahs' word. Negotiation with the regime means cooperations with the devil himself. The Liberals want us to keep the Mullahs in power and leave the Iranian people in suffering and pain. Where is the logic here? Isn't this what we did for years in the Middle East and created so much resented among the people in the Mideast? We supported the dictators and left the people in their misery? Why do we want to go back to the same strategy?
Today’s Islamic Republic of Iran was created as a direct result of failed Democratic foreign policy under President Carter. Under President Carter’s national security plan, this nation began supporting terrorists (father of the militant Islam, Khomeini) in 1979, in Iran when President Carter withdrew support for the Shah of Iran in support of the Ayatollah. Today Iran is the largest supporter of world-wide Islamic revolutionary terrorism. Libeals couldn't care less about Iran. They didn't care in 1979 and they don't care now...Liberals have no credibility to offer any solution when it comes to ME. Thank heavens Cheney is not a fool.
Here is more on Carter's horrific foreign policy on Iran:
I agree and I saddened to see they are doing the SAME mistake...there is no intellectual honesty among the left anymore, that why I left that group 10 years ago..
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