Sunday, February 11, 2007

Ahmadinejad: Homemade Nuclear Engergy!

Ardeshir: In this video, Ahmadinejad talks about the possibility of producing home made nuclear energy (bombs) at home.

He says:

“[A] secondary school teacher told me a young 16 year old student with the help of her brother has discovered nuclear energy at home”. “I told our scientists whose average age is 25, to investigate this to see if it is true, and they found that it is true. They had produced nuclear energy using basic equipments they obtained from the local shops. You see, we can, they tell us we cannot but we tell them we can.” "The young student has now joined the team of our nuclear scientists. She has her own chauffeur driven car and escorts!" This is called believing in oneself."

This just shows how illiterate and uneducated his constituents are and how he can easily make up a huge lie such as this to continue to deceive and spread misinformation or perhaps his lies are produced by his hallucinating and diseased mind like his halo story at the UN or talking to God and Imam Mahdi and other such nonsense...


Anonymous said...

President Ahmadinejad's real views are summarized on this website:

Homayoon said...

Surely our dear "doctor" has forgotten what he has read in early university courses. I'm curious how he has passed General Physics. Has he ever read "Halliday's"?

Anonymous said...

Dear Homayoon: Indeed, how did he ever got a degree in engineering without studying Physics. I wonder if he really believes his idiotic assertions? The tragic part is that many simpletons in Iran believe this nonsense. I'm reminded of these two quotes:

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."--Thomas Jefferson

There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action. *J.W. von Goethe

Homayoon said...

If the ignorance of our people was ONLY in physics, it was great. The problem is they believe a lot more things they are told by the state run TV and other IRI media, and while they do, there is little hope for them to get freed of the Mullahs' rule.