Thursday, March 29, 2007

Britain to Iran: " Have no Fear".

photo of American Hostages kept for 444 by the Khomeinist regime in 1979 (This incident is called by many the "Second Revolution" of 1979)
From the LONDON (AFX) ("Whole Series of Measures") came the following:

British Prime Minister Tony Blair has warned Iran that thereis a "whole series of measures" that could be taken to pressure the Islamic republic to hand over 15 British navy detainees. "What we have to do in a very firm way, is step up the pressure," he told ITV television, as British sought an agreement on a United Nations Security Council statement about the dispute. "The next step is the UN statement. There's a whole series of measures we can take," he added, giving no further details. "We are going to have to step up pressure not just with them in the UN and the European Union, but see what further measures are necessary to get them to understand it's not merely wrong but only going to result in further tension so it's sensible to resolve it now.

The Security Council's statement was a watered-down version of a stronger draft sought by Britain to "deplore" Iranian actions and urge the immediate release of the prisoners, primarily because Russia opposed putting blame on the Tehran regime.

"I'm not interested in confrontation for its own sake, the most important thing is to get 15 personnel back safe and sound."
"The important thing is we just keep making it very, very clear to the Iranian government it is not a situation that will be relieved by anything but the unconditional release of all our people," Blair said.

"There's no alternative but to release them and the longer it goes on, the more the pressure will be stepped up.

"I think we should take this a day at a time at the moment," Blair added.

Blair's official spokesman said Britain wanted to resolve the crisis quickly and without having a "confrontation over this." "We are not seeking to put Iran in a corner.

We are simply saying, 'Please release the personnel who should not have been seized in the first place,'" said the spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with government policy.

While Tony Blair is livid by another letter apparently written by Turney call in for withdrawal of British troops from Iraq and dictating British foreign policy, some of these British officials (anonymous sources) are indicating to the Iranians quite openly that they have nothing to fear in the way of British reprisals whatsoever. I should also add for the umpteen times that Mr. Blair's (or any other Western leaders and appeasers) stated reliance on Iranian regard for "international law" is simply a stupid joke. The Iranian regime has not changed a bit since 1979, if anything, they have become bolder and more sophisticated in manipulating and deceiving Western leaders and media.

The message so far to the mafiaso running Iran is this: Give us back our marines. But, if you don't, so be it - you have nothing to fear.

This is ominously starting to look like the 1979 hostage crisis. Apparently both the UN Secretary-General and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana have held talks with Iran on the issue. But Iran has refused to release the 15 British personnel until Britain apologises for the alleged incursion. I have little doubt that this seizure was planned by the IR rather than being the action of an impulsive local commander. A few days earlier, speaking of the impending United Nations Security Council vote that condemned Tehran for its nuclear stance, Khamenei had declared that such a vote would be "illegal" and that Iran's response could therefore be similarly "illegal".

What so bemusing is that the IRI has never tried to hide its actions and intentions. They are quite open about their goals in their Constitution and their actions in regards to spreading their revolution and defeating the arrogant powers since they came to power in 1979.

“an advisor to the new Iranian govt says his country’s objective is the destruction of the evil in the world perpetuated by England and the nations derived from England”
“The [Iranians] President’s chief strategist, Hassan Abbassi, has come up with a war plan based on the premise that “Britain is the mother of all evils” – the evils being America, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, the Gulf states and even Canada, all of whom are the malign progeny of the British Empire. “We have a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization,” says Mr Abbassi. “There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and in the West. We have already spied on these sites and we know how we are going to attack them… Once we have defeated the Anglo-Saxons the rest will run for cover.””

They waited for their chance, and when it came they took it. They can now shore up their failing legitimacy by parading the hostages around, much as they did back in 1979.

And if the British decide to take military action, such military action will only galvanize that the 10 million Basiji into martyrdom.
This incident, then, isn't about humiliating The West; it's about a shaky regime attempting to maintain its grip on power and shift the domestic attention of its fed up citizens from horrendous economic and social problems to external enemies. The regime has no other goal but to perpetuate its existence in any shape or form.

Iran has had enough time by now to act as a reasonable nation would and release the British sailors without making a creepy show of their captivity. But apparently an international provocation and a war are just what the Islamic Republic is itching for.

With this new crop of hostages, Allah now has his meal-ticket and the thug-in-chief and his military junta (IRGC & Quods) will have their "third revolution".Like the hostages in '79-'80, this show is just going to go on and on and on.

1 comment:

Bardia said...

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