Sunday, March 18, 2007

Comforting the Enemy!

This letter is published in Ahmadinejad’s blog,

Mr. President

I am writing you this letter as a mother who her son was sent to Iraq forcibly and has been taken away from her for ever.

You may know it or not that most of the Americans do not like Bush. He is (….). We do not recognize him as our president. He entered the white house by cheating. He is not a legitimate president. Even a great number of American mothers who their sons were not sent to Iraq, are agree with me. They know Bush as (….) [these parts are censored in the original source].

Mr. President! As much as we hate war, we hate Bush and his gangs! I want you know that if you intend to attack U.S., most of the people are like me here. We can’t stop his stupid acts for now, but I am writing this letter, because I know you as a pious and logical man.

I am not scared of Bush and his gangs or his security forces, but since I do not want them to interrupt my battle and my fellow Americans’ struggle against this administration, please keep my name and identification anonymous.
With best wishes

This is how “Mr. President” responds,

Venerable mother


First of all, I apologize for the delay of answering your question. This is due to my heavy schedules. So far, I have received many letters – with the same type of messages - such as yours.

If your son opposed to go to Iraq and impose pressure on the people of that region, and then was forcibly taken there, certainly Almighty God would help him….

Dear sister , Of course, we too hate war – as you do….

The piece was also carried in Fars, decorated with the picture shown in the above.

via Archer


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Cindy Sheehan wrote that

Anonymous said...

Winston: Yes, You could be right.