Wednesday, March 07, 2007

International Women's Day!

"Understand that the male psyche can not subsist without its female half-core; a stifled female Always means a Defeated Male. A Defeated Male means the endangered world we live in now."--Laila Farjami

I would also add that denying women their natural human rights is exactly what sustains and perpetuates the buisness industry of Islam and their oligarchal clergies and Ayatollahs.

Save the Date :News Conference:

Iran Prospect: Mass Arrest of Women Activists in Iran"(Washington, DC, March 7, 2007)
– To mark International Women’s Day, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International will hold a news conference calling attention to the increasing persecution and prosecution of women’s rights activists in Iran.

Last Sunday, Iranian security forces arrested 34 prominent leaders of the women’s rights movement in Tehran. Although 15 detainees have been released, 19 women remain in Tehran’s Evin Prison, a notorious site of prisoner abuse and torture. Zahra kazemi, the Canadian Journalist was beaten and tortured to death in that prison.

As well as prosecuting women’s rights activists, the Iranian authorities have also increased their persecution of people who call for reform of the country’s discriminatory laws against women.

Women’s rights activists in Iran recently launched a campaign, “Change for Equality,” to collect 1 million signatures to protest these laws.

Another campaign by Iranian activists aims to remove stoning as a punishment from Iran’s legal code. The authorities have responded by targeting campaign volunteers for harassment and denying them the right to advocate peacefully for their cause in public places.

WHEN: 1 p.m. on Thursday, March 8, 2007
WHERE: Amnesty International USA, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, 5th Floor,Washington, DC
WHO: We will be joined by the following to discuss the women’s movement and recent detentions in Iran, as well as provide the human rights implications of this situation:

Fariba Davoodi Mohajer, prominent Iranian women’s rights campaigner;
Solmaz Sharif, Iranian journalist; Hadi Ghaemi, Iran researcher at Human Rights Watch,
and Zahir Janmohamed, Middle East and North Africa advocacy director at Amnesty International USA. For more information and to schedule interviews, please contact:

In New York, Hadi Ghaemi (Human Rights Watch): +1-917-669-5996; or
In Washington, DC, Sharon Singh (AI): +1-202-544-0200 x289; or

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