Thursday, March 29, 2007

Iranian Basiji: 15 British Aggressors Must be Executed

The Sign above reads: " Don't Release the Scarecrows"; and "This is how defeat looks like ".

photo by CNN

Who are the Basiji? Basij (also Bassij or Baseej, Persian: بسيج‎), is an Islamic Republic paramilitary force that was founded by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in November of 1979 to provide volunteers for "human wave" defensive attacks in the Iran-Iraq War. The Basij are currently a branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Basij commander Brigadier General Mohammad Hejazi estimated the number of Basij personnel at 10.3 million in March 2004 and 11 million in March 2005. On 14 September 2005 he said that the Basij has more than 11 million members across the country. Russian news sources have claimed Iran has plans to make a third ground force consisting of one million basij members. However these plans have not been confirmed by Iran.[1]
Basij forces often undertake general security checks in urban areas such as setting up street inspection posts to intercept drug smuggling and potential terrorism, although the number of Basij check points dramatically decreased after the Iran-Iraq war and following the disarmament of MKO in Iraq. According to the Jordan Institute of Diplomacy and Basij forces also enforce Iran's Islamic codes together with other law enforcement entities. The Basij has a quasi-decentralised network with branches in almost every Iranian mosque.[1][2]

Human rights issues

The Basij have been criticised as belonging to the paramilitary forces using child soldiers because of their underage recruitment practices and for having relied extensively on "human wave" defensive attacks during the Iran-Iraq War, particularly around Basra.[1][2][3] Many were used as cannon fodder and for mine-clearing martyrdom. [2]
Following the UNHCR "tens of thousands of Basijis had been ordered to prowl about every factory, office and school to ensure that everyone adhered to the Islamic code. [...] After the summer 1992 riots Basij units were revived, rearmed and sent out into the streets to help enforce Islamic law. The Basijis are reportedly under the control of local mosques. It was further said that the Basijis set up checkpoints around the cities and stopped cars to sniff their occupant's breath for alcohol and check for women wearing make-up or travelling with a man not their close relative or husband. It was reported that the Law of Judicial Support for the Basijis, published in the Official Gazette No. 13946 of 8.10.1371 (December 1992), provided no redress against arbitrary detention by the Basijis." Iran's permanent representative to the U.N. denied these charges.[4]
Amnesty International tells that "investigations by Parliament and the National Security Council indicated that actions by Revolutionary Guard officials and Basij (Mobilization) forces, among others, precipitated the unrest and injuries following the July 1999 students demonstrations".[5]

In July 1999, Ezzat Ebrahim-Nejad was shot dead in Tehran University dormitory by a member of Basij military force. The event initiated a huge demonstration.

Source: Wikipedia


Anonymous said...

And Iranian patriots say The terrorist Basji TAZI thugs need to be exterminated.

SERENDIP said...

gardunehmehr: How are we going to exterminate 10 million TAZIS?

Rosemary Welch said...

Dear Serendip,
You talk to their parents, find out which ones don't want them in the Tazi, then you force them to stay home on the "day of reformation." Then you take the rest of them on a field trip to learn another technique, then you kill them all. Done.

Betabi is still in prison for the shirt with face of the murdered person and the blood from his body. I haven't heard anything about how he is doing recently. Is he still in Evin prison? Has he received a sentence? Has his family been allowed to visit? ???

Anonymous said...

There aren't 10 million Basiji's. The Basiji and Pasdaran (IRGC) together with VEVAK don't number more than about five hundred thousand 500,000.

The eradication process can begin with carpet bombing their bases.