Wednesday, March 14, 2007

London: Promoting the 1Million Signature Campaign at South Bank University

Lib Dem MP, Simon Hughes, Signing the Petition

Potkin: A conference organised by the South Bank University Student Union, titled "The Empowerment of Women from the 1960's to the New Era" and the recent arrests of Iranian women campaigners, gave us an opportunity to raise awareness about the struggle of Iranian women and in particular about the one million signature campaign.

Speakers for the event included former First Lady of Ghana, Mrs Nana Rawlings, the local Lib Dem MP, Simon Hughes and the London based Persian Weekly correspondent Nazanin Ansari.

Participants were handed a brief outline of the recent arrests of women activists in Tehran before entering the lecture hall. Nazanin Ansari did an excellent job of outlining the challenges faced by Iranian women and how through peaceful non-violent means, Iranian women are fighting for their rights under extremely difficult conditions. Her speech was well received by the audience and nearly all the 100 people who attended, signed the petition and were keen to learn more about the plight of imprisoned activists in Iran.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

That is wonderful! Maybe the International crimes court in Hague will have him and those Mullahs arrested, tried and convicted.