Saturday, March 31, 2007

Remember Passover

Photo: One of many Jewish Synagogues in Iran, Shiraz. This one is
in the area of Jolfa.

Happy Passover to all my Jewish-Persian friends. This year we can celebrate Pesach (Passover) with our newly elected Mayor of Beverly Hills, Jimmy Delshad who makes us all proud. May Pesach be filled with happy times for everyone and may the joys you share remain throughout the year.

More info on Jewish-Persians here.


Rosemary Welch said...

Very beautiful! Yes, I heard about the Persian Mayor. Congratulations, I hope. lol.

Happy Pesach!

SERENDIP said...

Rosemary: The mayor is Jewish-Persian and we're proud of him.

Frieda said...

Happy Passover to you and to your family.
I love your cats cute. Keep posting new ones :-)