Friday, March 30, 2007

U.N.'s Utter Disregard for Human Rights in Iran and Uzbakistan

From NCRI:

The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the decision by the U.N. Human Rights Council not to monitor the systematic and flagrant violation of human rights by a regime which is the world’s record holder of execution in Iran. The decision is the disgraceful domination of the Council by the countries which are themselves notorious violators of human rights and it is a catastrophe for human rights. In 2002, the same countries prevented the UN Human Rights Commission from condemning the Iranian regime’s human rights violations. Half of the members of a special committee which was formed to examine Iran’s human rights’ violations have abysmal records in human rights violations.

Only three months ago, in December 2006, The UN General Assembly adopted a strongly worded resolution, condemning the human rights violations by the Iranian regime. Therefore, yesterday’s vote by the members of the Council is contrary to the decision made by the highest international body. It farther indicates that the members of the Council in no way represent the international community.

The U.N. council’s action amounts to an endorsement of crackdowns on human rights in Iran and Uzbekistan. It shows utter disregard for the human rights activists who are struggling in these countries.


Rosemary Welch said...

I've changed my mind. I do not want the UN to move to Darfur, Sudan. I wish for them to disintigrate the whole farse that they pretend to be.

Oh how quickly they are to condemn the USA and Israel! Go to hades, UN!

SERENDIP said...

Rosemary: Why do we find this entity in the first place?