Saturday, April 14, 2007

Liberals (anti-war) and Ahmadinejad Wish for War

From Amir:

As it should be clearly apparent by now the Islamic Republic continously does its best to provoke a military attack on Iran, while their minions in the west are hard at work to present the United States as the aggressive side. The focus of the so-called anti-war movement which seems to be made up of nothing but the same group of resentful reactionary anti-Americans with an unbelievable pretence for civility, supported by inferiority-laden and deluded Euro-centric *elitists, has of course been to vilify the American administration. Meanwhile if the claim of these activists that they are for peace was true, they would have to also protest the continuous aggressive behavior of the Islamic Republican mullacracy.

The war that is now being protested by the fuck-Bush crowd however was started long ago, and while the Iranian people can expect no genuine good-will from the Europeans or the reactionary, Eurocentric, conceited self-proclaimed intellectual-wanna-bes who cannot but view Iranians as slaves to the eternal Asiatic tyranny as this has been expounded in European tradition from the times of the ancient Greeks onward all the way to the terrorist-sympathizers and salon-communists and holier-than-thou good white guys of today’s Europe and New England, we have to do something for ourselves to put an end to the war which appears to be heading for a new plateau in a possible American or Israeli attack provoked by the Islamofascists under the cover of good-guy liberals.

What Iranians can do for themselves, and what they are doing, actually, is to build on the methods of non-violent civil disobedience as it is practiced today by Iranian workers unions, teachers and the women’s rights groups, are of whom are cracked down on with violent responses by the Islamic Republic to the oblivion if not cheering of the Europeans and New Englanders.

Along these lines, more education on methods of non-violent resistance is needed. There will be a workshop soon conducted in Boston which I would like to recommend to Iranians with a genuine resolve for peace which can only come about with the demise of the Islamic Republic:

Colleagues and Friends,
I wanted to let you know that the second annual Fletcher Summer Institute for the Advanced Study of Nonviolent Conflict will be held at the end of June, on the Tufts University campus in Boston, which our Center is presenting with the Fletcher School. We would be delighted ifyou were able to circulate this notice to your contacts and colleagues.
Last year the Institute’s participants were an extraordinary group of 42 NGO leaders, journalists, activists and academics representing more than 25 countries, and ranging in age from 26 to 62 — including a Jordanian newspaper editorial writer, a veteran of the Mongolian nonviolent revolution, a Zambian bishop, the leader of an election monitoring project in Egypt, a senior officer of Transparency International, a Quebec documentary filmmaker doing a series on the world’s remaining dictators, and one of Nigeria’s leading human rights lawyers.
To anyone interested, we’d be happy to provide more information about this year’s program.
Many thanks,
Jack DuVall
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict

*Liberal/elitists= Consists in concealing how much they think of themeselves and how little they think of the other person."(i.e., malignant narcissism)

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