Monday, April 09, 2007



Sherry said...

Did their false prophet MO not give them the commandments that Lord Almighty gave to Moses? Thou shalt not murder/kill which includes self! How can we let this go on, I'll never know!

Σ. Alexander said...

I saw your link on Rosemary's blog. She told me that you are from Iran.

This video is deradful. To understand Islamic religious reform, I would recommend “Should We Surge?”, The New Republic Online, January 11.

SERENDIP said...

Sherry: This guy is a psychologist who thinks suicide bombers have reached ultimate happiness, hence, they blow themselves up. This idiot is certifiable and should be thrown into an insane asylme.

Shah Aleander: Thanks for stopping by. I will check it out.

Anonymous said...

So painful to watch this video,and to think that the christian Europe murdered its six million peace loving Jews who only offered their christian brothers love and frienship to invite in these people... Unfortunately, we all have to pay for our sins.