Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Honor Killing: Her Name was Salvation (Nejat)!

روشنگری. بعضی گريه ميکنند و فرياد ميزنند "ميخواهم زنده بمانم"، بعضی بيگناهی خود را داد ميزنند و از بيداد می نالند، بعضی تمنای بخشش ميکنند، دوعا خليل اسود از درد بهاما "نجات" هيچ نگفت، گريه نکرد، التماس نکرد، پرخاش نکرد، تقاضای بخشش نکرد. او آرام نگاه کرد تا پدر گورش را بکند، آرام در گور فرو رفت تا پدر بر او آنقدر خاک بريزد که ديگر نفس نکشد، نگاه نکند، حس نکند، فکر نکند، "شرمنده" نباشد، لکه ای بر "ناموس" پدر نباشد، نيست شود، نابود شود، ديگر نباشد... "نجات" ميدانست در جامعه ای که زن ستيزی در آن سنتی ريشه دار است، در جامعه ای که سنت زن ستيزی توسط حکومت تقديس ميشود، در جامعه ای که پليس نجابت در خيابان ها جولان ميدهد تا با بالا و پائين کشيدن پارچه روی بدن زن، "ناموس" رژيم را حفظ کند، نجات از زندان هستی خود را بايد در نيستی جستجو کند. داستان او آنقدر دردناک است که قلم از نوشتن باز ميماند... بگذار تصويری از لحظات آخر، خود سخن بگويد: "اين مرد در مورد لحظات پر دلهره و تلخ زنده به گور کردن دخترش گفت:" وقتی چاله را حفر کردم بی آنکه حرفی بزنم دخترم به طرف چاله رفت و در گودال دراز کشيد. حال بدی داشتم ولی فکر می کردم کار درستی را انجام می دهم... ابتدا با بيل خاک ها را روی پاهايش ريختم. هيچ حرفی نمی زد. فقط نگاهش را به آسمان دوخته بود. خاک ها را روی شکم و سينه اش ريختم ولی باز هم حرفی نزد. از من نمی خواست که اين کار را نکنم. لحظه آخر نگاهش کردم. قبل از آنکه روی صورتش را با خاک بپوشانم صدايم کرد و گفت بابا از دخترم نگاهداری کن ..." نقل از هم ميهن


Nejat was buried alive by her father. She didn't cry or scream but asked her father (her killer) to take care of her child. He gently went slowly inside her dug grave until her faterh poured enough dirt on her face where she could no logner breathe or feel , or think, or be ashamed, or be a stain on her father's reputation....

Nejat knew in a misgoynist society (zan-setiz; literally meaning women-fighting), which is a deeply rooted tradition; in a society where misogyny is sanctified and enshrined by the government; in a society where chastity police patrols in the streets to defend the honor of the regime everytime a piece of cloth goes up and down a woman's body; Nejat from the prison of being must seek herself in extinction; her story is so painful that the pen ceases from writing...Let a picture of last moments speaks for itself.

This man said about the last bitter moments of burying his daughter: "When I was digging the pit without even telling my daughter, my daughter went to the grave and lay down inside it. She only had her gaze toward the sky. I poured the dirt on her stomach and her chest, she still did not speak; she did not ask me to stop this. In the very last moment I looked at her. Before I cover her face with dirt, she called me and said "dad (Baba), take care of my daughter". --End translation

This is the product of that cunning immoral charlatan and mad man, Khomeini, who brought the pestilence of Islam after 50 years of reprieve and respite from misogyny and ignorance to a society that was just beginning to rid itself out of shackles of 1400 years of medieval Islamic merchants of decay, death, sadism, bloodshed, carnage and piracy.


Sherry said...

What was the reason she would do this to herself?

SERENDIP said...

Sherry: She is not doing to this to herself. Her father is doing it to her and instead of her kicking her and screaming, she goes into her grave voluntarily. I'm guessing, she was accused of being an adusterous or having pre-marital sex; either she was condmend to be stoned to death but her father to chose to kill her by his own hands or it was an honor killing of some sort.

SERENDIP said...

Sherry: She is not doing to this to herself. Her father is doing it to her and instead of her kicking her and screaming, she goes into her grave voluntarily. I'm guessing, she was accused of being an adusterous or having pre-marital sex; either she was condmend to be stoned to death but her father to chose to kill her by his own hands or it was an honor killing of some sort.

Sherry said...

That is so horrible. I've read the Qur'an and cannot find "honor killings" in it. Probably in one of the numerous hadiths.

She was convicted without any verifiable proof? Now what happens to the man she alledgedly slept with? Does he just get flogged or let go as usual?