Saturday, May 26, 2007

Reasons Behind Regime's Brutality!

Bardia from Iran:

به هر حال تا کنون در این سه دهه گذشته چنین رفتاری از دولت ندیده بودیم یا بهتر است بگویم تا این حد اراذل و اوباش نداشتیم تا جاییکه سه چهار سال پیش این قشر از جامعه که پدیده استبدادگری است رنگ وبویی افسارگسیخته بخود گرفت. ولی نکته ای که شا یان توجه است اینست که این اوباش - که من دوست ندارم آنها را به این اسم نام ببرم چون بدلیل فقر طبقاتی که رژیم ایجاد کرده بوجود آمده اند- بدلیل نترس بودن و روحیه یکه تازی دستگیر می شوند نه بخاطر اعتیاد یا مزاحمتهای اجتماعی. دلیل دستگیری را نیز بیشتر جرایم ناموسی و تجاوز به عنف وانمود می کنند که دیگر هیچ وجدانی در دفاع از ایشان بر نیاید
ولی در مورد اعتیاد، در اخبار اعلام شد که معتادینی که کارت سلامت دریافت کنند از خدمات ویژه برخوردار خواهند شد. این دلیلی استوار است در راستای سیاستهای دولت مبنی بر ترویج اعتیاد تا جوانان بیشتر از پیش در رخوت فرو روند. پس دیگر هیچ خطری رژیم را تهدید نخواهد کرد و توده مردم از وجود سینه چاکان - بجای اوباش - برای براندازی حکومت بهره نخواهند برد


Until now, I had not seen anything in the past 3 decades like this. Or better to say, we did not have so many gangs and hoodlums to where three or four years ago this segment of the society, which is a product of dictatorship transformed into an unruly mob. But the point that is interesting to pay attention to is that this gang gets arrested-- I don't like to call them that because of this class of indigence (poor class) is creation of this regime--because of being fearless and their audaciousness not because they are addicts or public nuisance. The cause for their arrest are said to be crimes of violation of of women's honor and reputation, so no one with conscience would defend them...And about the addiction, it was announced in the news that those addicts who receive the "Health Card" are eligible for special privileges. This is a solid reason in line with policy of the regime based on cultivation of drug-dependency so that more youths than ever before are sunk into a stupor so there would be no danger to the regime and the masses of people won't be able to utilize *these gangs* to topple the regime.


Anonymous said...

And about the addiction, it was announced in the news that those addicts who receive the "Health Card" are eligible for special privileges. This is a solid reason in line with policy of the regime based on cultivation of drug-dependency so that more youths than ever before are sunk into a stupor so there would be no danger to the regime and the masses of people won't be able to utilize *these gangs* to topple the regime.

It's one thing for the regime to say this. It's another thing to mean it. It makes sense, in a way, to discourage Iran's youth by cultivating a generation of drug addicts, but if this is their rationale I think Tehran is still holding something back. Something important.

SERENDIP said...

Lesly: Iran has the highest number of addicts in the world. I know close relatives as young as 20 who have become addicts...the most unlikely people. It used to shock me when I would hear that so and so has become an addict in Iran...but no longer. In every family there is at least on or two.

I asked Bardia what the "Health Card" entails and I'm waiting for his response, perhpas tomorrow. Have a nice Memorial day!

Anonymous said...

Eventully, I'm here, where I can trust everything and it's so proud to me seeing my slight cemments on this perfect blog.
I PERSUEd all your posts and only left my tears.
Thanks again, I hope to see you soon and ask for what I can do for you...

blank said...

I look forward to learning what the "Health Card" entails also.

Sherry said...

It's the regime who has done this! They have taken from the mouths of their own people and given it to Lebanon/Hezbollah. These people probably feel hopeless.