Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Social Psychology of Evil

Skull of Zurbarán, 1956 Salvador Dali
oil on canvas 39 1/2 x 39 1/2 inches

No doubt the pathological personalities of humankind's most ignominious members played a role in this carnage. However, the twisted psyche explanation of mass murder is but one component of these unspeakable acts and does little to explain how good people can be induced to commit heinous crimes. Neither Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein or any of history's villains committed mass murders on their own.

They typically had the assistance of ordinary men and women. Russian novelist, dissident and Soviet-era political prisoner Alexander Solzhenitsyn believes that good and evil exist in everyone and that the thin line between these qualities lies in the center of every human heart. Assuming Solzhenitsyn is correct, under what conditions is that line crossed? What accounts for the often times rapid transition from shopkeeper and school teacher to murderer?

Social psychologist Philip Zimbardo offers a compelling situational perspective answer to this query. The Stanford University researcher believes the human mind is so marvelous that it can adapt to virtually any known environmental circumstance in order to survive, to create, and to destroy. When evil is expected, demanded or sanctioned by individuals and/or institutions thought to possess legitimate authority, most people will do what they are told...

The social psychology of evil


Anonymous said...

Deepak Chopra in one of his books talks about an experience done in Stafford University on college students. Two volunteer groups are put in jail as prisoners and guards for two weeks. The guards, normal nice students are given the authority to do as they like with prisoners. They end the expereince after only one week becuase of the extent of torture these gurads were doing to the prisoners!! Meaning: we all can turn into evil beings very easily, sometimes for no reason but boredom!!

City boy said...

I think it's the position and role that one person takes which can define his personality and evilness, if he lets it. For example a pasdar might be a good guy but as soon as he puts on the uniform he suddenly feels like he is defending Allah!