Saturday, May 19, 2007

In Response to Mr. Nabavi's latest Post

I'm posting this here because I know you're not going to publish my comment on your website.
*Read the translation into Persian by Nana here.

Importance of being earnest!

Mr. Nabavi, this is only the third time I have read any of your posts and I don’t quite know who you are but I hear you have quite a following in some spheres of Iranians inside and outside. Your recent post was breathtakingly propagandist and deceptive. Joseph Goebbels (Propaganda Chief of Hitler) would have been proud. Congratulations. Very impressive, indeed.

Are you in a financial bind, again? You’re having money problems? I think there is a reason why your lust for power and *greed* have come back and is rearing its ugly head again. You are resorting to fallacious arguments (safsateh) and demagoguery to justify the unjustifiable and demanding everyone to tolerate the intolerable with a big smile across their faces. How do you sleep at night? Have you received orders to parrot propaganda prepared by the intelligence Ministry? I'm almost certain that you and Derkashan are using the same propaganda book issued by MOIIS (VEVAK) and reciting it verbatim dutifully and mindlessly. You have managed to create your own version of reality to justify your own greed, guilty conscience (although you've apologized once for your appalling misdeeds as a collaborator of the corrupt regime) and lack of principle and humanity.

As a woman, I couldn't care less if I had to wear Afghani BURKA in Iran or if they banned all music or all newspapers provided that those who run the Islamic Republic were not such corrupt thieves and plunderer of the soon-to-run-out national wealth and resources. They are from the cesspool of immorality and unethical behavior who have given a bad name to Islam and humanity. If these mullahs were competent as leaders and cared about Iran and Iran’s future economic prosperity and security of those who are in desperate need, I would not have cared if they were Muslims or communist…I don’t care what kind of label you want to assign to a particular system of governance.

Those who rule Iran are simply incompetent and unqualified to run a county, any country not just Iran any country even much smaller and less populated. They are not there to serve people ,they are to keep people ignorant and poor so they can rule over them....Mr. whatever your name is, why don't you talk about the GDP and income per capita of Iran. Why don’t you talk about Mexico’s GDP which is much higher than Iran and they don’t even have much oil to speak of. What a pathetic self-esteem you must have to compare yourself with Pakistan or Egypt!! Are you sure you’re Iranian? Even Pakistan has a higher income per capita.. Why don't you categorize and take in-depth look into the social-stratification of the 40% who live below poverty level in Iran? Why don't you classify the drug addicts strata who rank the highest number of addicts in the world? Why don't you disclose how these mullahs and their offspring and their partners in multitude of crimes continue to rape and plunder the national wealth and resources. Why not discuss how they have almost destroyed the oil-industry infrastructure by not investing in it because they don’t even understand the concept that you need to invest in your biggest source of revenue to be profitable in the long run and compete in the world market.

Why don’t you question the antiquated oil refineries that leak about 3 to 10% daily and Iran loses billion of dollars each year because of it? Why don’t you write about the prognosis of the Iranian oil industry and peak oil (by the year 2015 Iran will cease to be an oil exporter do some bloody research on that)? Why don’t you talk about the fact that having no other industry but oil is not a sign of independence economically or politically (even for that the IRI has to rely on foreigners to build and repair their refineries which no country in their right mind want to anymore because Iran is too unstable) Why don't you dissect the no-bid contracts given to IRGC and billions that are pocketed for personal profit and wasted on enriching the Russians who take the money and never finish their projecs or milk the mullahs as long as they can while costing them 3 times as much. Why not put food on the table of Iranian children instead of French Children by wasting money on that fake production of Khodro with a French engine in it? Who do you think you're fooling Mr. Nabavi? Iran's problem is not hejab or alcohol consumption. Iran's problem is her insatiable rulers' lust for power and greed.

Fascism of all stripes (be it religious or capitalistic or communists) is a toxic mode of thinking, but Shia fundamentalism a la Iran is particularly vicious. Iran has become one of the most dismally unequal societies in the ME. A small caste of very rich fat "agents of God" and their cronies are reducing most of the Iranian people to abject poverty in a country that is immensely wealthy. To cover up for all this greed and corruption, religious fundamentalism is a very effective tool of ideological domination. Religion has become a commerce for the mullahs. They sell Imam Mahdi hidden in a well like Hollywood sells it's action figures in a MacDonald's children Lunch boxes.

The more Iran sinks into inequality and social injustice, the more fiery the pseudo revolutionary rhetoric of its theocratic ruling elite, and the more dogmatic and intolerant their version of Islam. Religious fundamentalism is a wonderful tool for diverting attention from all real issues. But it has a limit, and that limit is set by the emergence of people's conscience and desire to get rid of all those blood-sucking parasites passing for "men of spirit".

Iran's current policy in Iraq has been shameful. Instead of helping Iraqis unite, and has callously played with old sectarian grievances in order to draw some benefit for their own shallow cause. What do the Iranian Ayatollahs really stand for? At this moment for nothing more than staying in power and continuing to line their bulging pockets with the money of the Iranian people. Social inequality and poverty rates in Iran are appalling. And if you visit the wealthy neighborhoods of Northern Teheran, you will see conspicuous signs of obscene wealth in the hands of the nouveaux rich that have emerged after the demise of the old middle class constituted during the Shah's reign. And if you move to the huge slums in Southern Teheran, you will see abject poverty and destitution. Most Iranians have benefited very little from the new theocratic military dictatorship. (Iran’s government is somewhere between fascism and oligarchy) See the Definitions provided.

Definition of Fascism:

Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and other societal interests inferior to the needs of the state, and seeks to forge a type of national unity, usually based on ethnic, religious, cultural, or racial attributes. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, corporatism, collectivism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, and opposition to economic and political liberalism.

There are numerous debates among scholars and other individuals regarding the nature of fascism and the kinds of political movements and governments that may accurately be called fascist. For example, the extent to which German Nazism may be considered a form of fascism is debated. Most scholars see fascism as on the political right or allied with right-wing movements.[4] In addition, some scholars see fascism as the radicalization of the center or as a populist revolt of the middle classes. Fascist movements sometimes claim they represent a "Third Way between left and right, between Marxian socialism and capitalism."

Definition of Oligarchy
Definition of Oligarchy:
Oligarchy is a form of government where political power effectively rests with a small, elite segment of society (whether distinguished by wealth, family or military prowess).
Oligarchy, aristocracy, and plutocracy
Historically, many oligarchies openly gave the political power to a minority group, sometimes arguing that this was an aristocracy ("organization by the 'best' and the 'brightest'"). Such states were often controlled by powerful families whose children were raised and mentored to be heirs of the power of the oligarchy. However, this power may also not be exercised openly, the oligarchs preferring to remain "the power behind the throne", exerting control through economic means. Although Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a synonym for rule by the rich, for which the exact term is plutocracy, oligarchy is not always a rule by wealth, as oligarchs can simply be a privileged group.

Oligarchies may also evolve into more autocratic or monarchist forms of government, sometimes as the result of one family gaining ascendancy over the others. Many of the European monarchies established during the late Middle Ages began in this way.

You yourself embody all the inadequecies and ills (uneducated, dogmatic, greedy, immoral, lack of vision)—that make up the Iranian ruling elites. Rulers such as mafia mullahs will not make good leaders or public servants of any kind that average people can trust and leave their future in their hands. Inept and incapable men who have no clue or the ability or skills to understand how one needs to govern and serve the collective good of the society competently and efficiently for that is not why they hold the levers of power. You and your ilk only care about your immediate gratification and pocketing as much as you can in the shortest amount of time. Damn the rest of the people. You and your kind are always angry at others because you expect more from others than from yourself.

Your problem Mr. Joseph Nabavi *Is not* what country or what geographic location you live. Your problem is that you can’t live with yourself and you know that better than anyone else….and running back and forth is not going to help you….You're running from yourself and your dark demons. Time to grow up and face your true nature. You’ll be in my prayers. It’s time to examine your life and reflect on your deeds and how they are dragging you back into a cesspool you tried to free yourself from once before. I wish you the best….


blank said...

Don't sugar coat it like that serendip - tell him what you really think!


City boy said...

nice! which post were you referring to?