Thursday, June 21, 2007

Increased Drug Flow Fueling Spread Of HIV In Iran and Economic Segregation

Medical News Today:

The number of HIV cases in Iran is increasing rapidly because of the increased flow of heroin into the country from Afghanistan, and an increasing number of HIV cases are being transmitted sexually, Christian Salazar, UNICEF coordinator for HIV in Iran, said recently, Reuters/ reports. Iran is located along a "key heroin smuggling route" from Afghanistan to the West, and injection drug users are the highest-risk group in the country, according to Reuters/ Iran has an adult HIV prevalence of about 0.16%, but the number of cases is "skyrocketing," Salazar said, adding that in the "worst of cases we are moving toward 1% or even 1.8% to 1.9% of the population." Two-thirds of HIV cases in the country occur among IDUs, Salazar said, adding that increasing numbers of narcotics are coming to the country from Afghanistan. Salazar applauded Iran's "progressive and pragmatic" approach to addressing the spread of HIV/AIDS in the country, including its establishment of needle-exchange programs for IDUs in prisons. "We see Iran as a leader in this field, which not only hopefully will help contain the epidemic in Iran but also provide examples to other countries," he said. Salazar added that the country faces new challenges to controlling the spread of HIV, which increasingly could spread to Iran's general population

The gang that has formed around Khatami/Rafsanjani et al (reformers), have been benefactors of this corrupt and horrendous situation for decades in Iran and they are not going to do anything about this. It is the corruption that the reformers, the hardliners and and their cronies have implemented that is increasingly placing Iranians in abject poverty and misery.

There is hardly any middle class to speak of. Ahamdinejad et al (IRGC, Basiji) are just getting their own share of the loot lately. The demented apologists continue to infest the U.S. democratic party and abuse the freedom of speech in this country to lobby for the Iranian people's oppressors (the demonic mullahs).

To make matters worse, some of the pseudo-intellectuals inside Iran (some Iranian bloggers) have taken on the characteristics of their oppressors and they sell their propaganda services to the highest bidders. They have no qualms to declare their factional/economic interests at the expense of the collective economic and social security of their nation as if there was nothing ethically wrong with selling out your country for personal gains...This is beyond evil. Ahi was right when he said there is a Bakhtak (Incubus) that has fallen on the nation of Iran and it's not going anywhere soon.

All Photos are from Iran.


blank said...

Nice post. Nice apologists link :)

Anonymous said...

My dearest Serendip,

after seeing the pictures, it felt as if i was walking over the edge of an ice clif!

BHCh said...

ARe the fashion and the swimming pool photos from Iran? Are they recent?

SERENDIP said...

Dear Shlmazl: Yes, they are very recent, a month old. This particular fashion show in an underground one among the rich. They even have Casinos in their private homes with butlers and all the works.

BHCh said...

Interesting. Who are the rich? People linked to regime or businessmen?

SERENDIP said...

Exactly. Unless you're part of the government or in cahoots with the ruling elite, you won't have a chance to make money in Iran. Every job you apply for, there is an ideological screening that you must go through. See my previous post under the "Here and There" thread.

Anthony said...

Interesting post and very thought provoking. You're doing great work.