Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Lebanese Hezballah tries to distance itself from the Islamic Republic!!

Hamed Beheshti, an Iranian blogger in Beirut claims that when he was at a dinner with Dr. Hossein Rahal, the spokesman for Hezbullah, the Iranian guests there told Rahal about the popularity Hezbollah has gained since the last summer’s war with Israel, mainly between some Iranian youth who apparently wear t-shirts with pictures of Hassan Nasrullah (the secretary general of Hezbollah).

Apparently when Rahal heard this, he quickly cried out:

Please do something so the [Iranian] people don’t confuse the Lebanese Hezbollah with the fringe groups active in Iran with similar names! [Ansar-e Hezbollah] In Iran these groups force religion on to people but religion should flow itself in to the society to have it’s real effect; Making religion compulsory does not make sense!

Ansar-e Hezbollah are an unofficial force by the Islamic Republic made up of Basiji militants who follow “the path of the Imam” and crush the “morally corrupt” in the society. They are well known for brutally attacking and literally crushing the Tehran student uprising in July 1999.

So there it goes, Islamic Republic is considered fundamentalist even to the likes of Hezbollah!

1 comment:

programmer craig said...

How strange! I'm not sure what to make of that! :O