Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Protests at Iran fuel rationing

BBC: At least one petrol station (Nia-yesh) has been set on fire in the Iranian capital, Tehran, after the government announced fuel rationing for private motorists.

Iranians were given only two hours' notice of the move that limits private drivers to 100 litres of fuel a month

Despite its huge energy reserves Iran lacks refining capacity, forcing it to import about 40% of its petrol.
Tehran is trying to rein in fuel consumption over fears of possible UN sanctions over its nuclear programme.
Iran fears the West could sanction its petrol imports and cripple its economy.

More pictures here.
Update 1:
Anti mullah puts the number of gas stations set on fire at 50
SJK news has videos of the riots
Pajamas Media: Translating from Iranian websites and phone reports from inside Iran, Ardeshir Arian has the developing story.

1 comment:

Michael said...

What mature reaction from the Iranian people...
There's gonna be fuel rationing; let's torch a gas station!