Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Staunch Supporter of the Islamic Republic Puts Forth the Best Argument for Regime Change In Iran

Photo of Lawrence Reza Ershaghi from
Anatomy of Khomeinists's Brain
This commentary is written by a rabid supporter of the Islamic Republic and its khomeinist ideology. The piece published in unwittingly presents the most well-reasoned argument as to why the Islamic Republic is not only a threat to Israel but also other religions and countries in the region and ultimately to the world peace. He accurately argues that the regime is driven by its force of ideology and is stronger than ever before to achieve it's final goal of establishing the Islamic caliphate preferably headquartered in Jerusalem. He starts by deriding the ex-pat academics such as Abbas Milani and Azar Nafisi, calling them treasonus and Imperialist's shill. Then he brilliantly gives us a breathtaking insight into a dangerous mind of true believer who calls the rapist, tortureres and exterminators of all oppositions to totalitarian khomeinism as holy and pious men of God. Here are some highlights:

After all, if we want to speak about demographics, the areas which usually produce the largest amounts of children tend to come from the rural areas or from the urban poor, which in turn means many of those children will be raised in conservative religious families and likely grow up as Basij or Pasdars aka supporters of the Islamic Republic. It seems like the system has this uncanny ability to continue to perpetuate itself due to this fact. No wonder, Dr. Ahmadinejad last year called on Iranian families to have more children, because he knew those that would heed his call would be those supporting the system.

The Islamic Republic has an institutionalized base of support and more or less ideological coherency amongst its many supporters, while those who oppose it tend to be extremely divided and splintered, thus posing no serious challenge to the system. In other words, the system can and does perpetuate itself due to the reality of the Iranian proverb " anha do nafar boodan hamra, ma sad nafar boodeem tanha." (they were two united, we were a hundred divided).

After the death of Imam Khomeini, many analysts predicted the demise of the regime, but to no avail. Very few analysts predicted the landslide victory of former President Mohammad Khatami, and almost none contemplated, let alone predicted the election of "hard-liner" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The fact that in 2007, 28 years after the triumph of the Islamic Revolution, Iran has a popularly elected conservative president speaks plenty about how wrong "they" have all been. The fact that these events were never able to deal a fatal blow to the Islamic Republic owes to two indisputable facts, the faith and courage of its people and the resoluteness of its revolutionary leaders thus far, Imam Khomeini and Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

Not only has revolutionary Iran withstood the plots of all its enemies, but a few years after the Islamic revolution most analysts prematurely concluded the revolution failed in its ability of exporting itself. Yet today one finds Shia Islamists in Iraq, Hizbollah in Lebanon, HAMAS in Palestine, all currently occupying positions of power today.

Most importantly these groups ascension to power has been through popular vote, not imposition, thus lending them legitimacy and credibility. And the fact that the US opposes these political movements lends credence to the notion that they are in fact opposed to democracy, despite their rhetoric, which is full of hypocrisy and lies. The reality is that the US is in pursuit of subservient regimes, not democratic and independent ones, which will pay attention to the needs of their people as opposed to US business interests.

Anyhow, these are essentially the type of Islamic movements which Iran hoped would emerge when talking about exporting its revolution. Indeed these groups all had the training and support of Iran's Revolutionary Guards. So not only did the Islamic Republic not "die," but it grew stronger, and its enemies grew weaker or better yet for them "died." The lists of weakened or dead adversaries includes the accursed and former tool of the West Saddam Hussein, the treasonous and despicable MKO (Mujahideen-e-Khalq), the tyrannical former superpower USSR, and the oppressive Taliban. It is interesteing to note that most of the " marg bar" (death to) chants of the Iranian people have now materialized. Now one can slowly begin to understand Imam Khomeini when asked by a journalist on the Air France Flight back to Tehran after 15 years of exile and right before the triumph of the revolution how he felt and replied " ehsasi nadaram" (I feel nothing).

The ball was not even in the court yet nor had the game even started and yet they expected him to somehow be jubilant. For Imam Khomeini it was never just about Iran and that is why he simply was and could not be excited. He had not even overthrown the Shah just yet, nor established an Islamic Republic, nor even awakened the Muslims all over the world in his attempts to export the revolution. In the words of Imam Khomeini, "the culmination of the Ummah will be with the liberation of Palestine."

Thus, in the eyes of the Islamic Republic the game continues to be played and the championship game awaits them in Al-Qods (Jerusalem).

Even with all those ambitions, Imam would still not be satisfied, for he had one last goal. His final mission was in preparing for the return of Imam Mahdi. See, most political observers will never understand Imam Khomeini because he was not your ordinary politician, in more ways than one. In the words of *Dr. Algar, "it must finally be stressed that despite the amplitude of his political achievements, Imam Khomeini's personality was essentially that of a gnostic for whom political activity was but the natural outgrowth of an intense inner life of devotion."
Recall that exactly two years ago, the average Iranian showed up on June 24, 2005 to vote for the populist candidate, son of a blacksmith, Dr. Ahmadinejad. This is the reality the US government, Iranian academics in the west, and expatriates must face. An Islamic nation which has raised its flag up high, with the hand of its own revolutionary people and declared its refusal to submit to any power other than God.

As you can see the ultimate goal of the Islamic republic is yet to be achieved:

Thus, in the eyes of the Islamic Republic the game continues to be played and the championship game awaits them in Al-Qods (Jerusalem). Even with all those ambitions, Imam would still not be satisfied, for he had one last goal. His final mission was in preparing for the return of Imam Mahdi.

You probably think this guy was educated in a Madrassa somewhere in Pakistan. But alas, you would be wrong. Here is his CV:

Lawrence Ershaghi graduated from University of California, Irvine with a degree in Political Science. He also recieved a Juris Doctor degree from Chicago-Kent College of Law. In the Summer of 2005 he interned at Clifford Chance law office in Dubai and last summer he interned at University of Tehran's Faculty of Law and Political Science Center for Graduate International Studies. He is particularly interested in issues such as cultural imperialism and Islamic political movements. He plans on practicing International Business law in the near future.

There are probably hundreds of them planted across the globe. Islamic warriors, though this one is equipped with a law degree, march on in the name of Islam in our own backyard. According to the FBI, the definition of terrorism is:
"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."

Radical Islam fulfills each and every criteria of the above-mentioned definition of terrorism. The following irrefutable facts and deductive logic will amply demonstrate this statement. Ever since Islam was founded it has left behind a legacy of violent atrocities and horrible crimes. The holy book of the Muslims, the Koran, contains specific instructions on how to loot, pillage, plunder, rape, torture and murder in order to further the interests of Islam . It can clearly be called a specific instruction manual of terrorism.

Any sane individual can see that it is a journal and collection of a terrorist’s criminal activities and ideas. This terrorist’s name is Mohammed. During his lifetime, Mohammed organized at least 86 expeditions against people who either refused to follow his teachings or simply came in the way of his power crazed ambitions. He led the life of a serial killer, terrorist and rapist, who perpetrated genocide throughout Arabia. Along with the pagan Arabs, many Jews and Christians were victims of this mindless terrorist. Mohammed was a man who destroyed peace wherever he went, and in its place brought terror, carnage and death. And he did all this in the name of God! Mohammed has clearly stated in the Koran that God has instructed him and all pious Muslims to loot, pillage, plunder, rape, torture and murder innocent human beings, in order to further the interests of Islam. In fact, the rise of Islam in the oh-so-perfect lifetime of the oh-so-perfect “prophet” could never have happened without the Ansar and Mr. M. himself hijacking a merchant convoy, raiding neighbouring tribes or extorting “protection fees” from local Jews and Christians now and then when the purse was empty.I guess no companion of Muhammad’s ever had to fear to get his hand severed. But hey! exceptions had to be made those days because it would have been quite hard to conquer the world with a bunch of one-armed bandits! After all, Madinah was not Las Vegas. And this entity has the audacity to criticize the "imperialist" system whilst he is soon to be practicing International Business Law. Oh , the irony.

Given the history of this cult, it is therefore, inconceivable for Mr. Ershaghi to see anything wrong with the daily atrocities that his beloved Islamic republic commits on a daily basis for he could not care for Iranians or Iran. He probably fancies himself as ~God’s pet (like his beloved Khomeini)– and as such, they can get away with mass executions, extending the war and the killing fields in the Iran-Iraq war, torture, terrorism, and rape because it was *ordained* for them. BTW, it is precisely for this kind of ethical reasons, some people criticize the belief in God. True-believer Khomeinists foremost obligations to Allah and *Imam* Khomeini are establishing the gloriously murderous caliphate, "liberating the Palestinian Ummah" and returning Al-Qudos (Jerusalem) to its "rightful" owners. There are two things left unchecked on the to-do-list of the Islamic republic: Building the Islamic bomb and nuking Israel to bring about the resurrection of Mahdi.

Here is another one of his fanatic drivel.

*Dr. Algar


Anonymous said...

He should be reported to "eye on Extremism" group.(The group mentioned in the post that you have before this one)

programmer craig said...

It's a good post, Serendip. I don't want to comment on the Quran because my best friend is a believing Muslim, but I've read many parts of it that seem to condone atrocious behavior. My friend always explains those verses in a way that calms me down, but the fact is... what "seems" to be written in those verses can be seen in practice, all over the world. I hope someday all Muslims will interpret the Quran as my friend does, but that doesn't seem very likely.

There seem to be a lot of regime supporters posting on the Iranian Times, lately. I don't recall it being that way, a couple years ago.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to throw up when I read his article.

Anonymous said...




That's the sound of a bell tolling for thee.

Thanks for referring me to your site, serendip.

Anthony said...

What scum, and of course he had learned to develop and expound his bigoted, twisted, hate filled worldview at our most "progressive" and "open minded" institutions.

No doubt he already sees himself as the bridge between Iran and the infidel west. My sincere hope is that he doesn't breed.

Yaacov Ben Moshe said...

This is a very important post! Thank you for finding this guy and for your very apt analysis. A few months ago I posted an opinion on my blog that the best name for the beast we are fighting is Caliphate Islam. Every time I see something like this, I am more convinced than ever that the two things we understand the least about this struggle we are are:

1. Their belief in the Caliphate (world-wide Islamic rule under Shari’a Law) as the ultimate goal and responsibility of all “true” Muslims. (see this:

2. The cascade of Oil money we in The West pours out to them is the only thing that keeps them and their dream of domination alive. (see this:

We will never be able to combat this evil until we can call The Beast by its name and cut off its supply of oil money.

The problem is this. On one hand, we are a culture that holds religious freedom to be paramount and so are having a problem finding a way of identifying this religious belief in our own subjugation unacceptable. On the other hand, we are also a culture that believes in the inviolability of national sovereignty and property rights, so we are unable to face up to the stark alternatives that our continued addiction to Arab Oil leaves us with. Thus, most of us deny that these ugly facts exist. Thank you for this reminder of The Caliphate!