Sunday, July 15, 2007

Iran in the eyes of a Swedish Blogger

Jonathan Lundqvist is a Swedish blogger who visited Iran a few months ago and shared his experiences with Global Voices in an interview. Jonathan has published several photos on his blog about censorship, daily life, tradition, and modernity in Iran without forgetting beauty of the country. Here are seven images which say much more than thousands of words:

A beautiful park in Tehran,

window in a mosque covered with Persian calligraphy.

An electronics shopping center

In third photo Iranians need to go far and away to date and to have privacy.

The fourth photo shows how western brands meet eastern dress.

The Two last photos show us a glimpse of the censorship that occurs in Iran. Jonathan says the Nashravaran Journalistic Institute is the agency that handles all censorship. They also stamp all magazines with a stamp upon inspection. It’s mind-boggling to think of the people whose work it is to sit there with a giant felt-tip pen and cover up skin all day long.


Frieda said...

Actually if you read George Orwell's 1984, they are many scenes that describes how censors can be done in a dictatorships...when you read the book now, you wold think he is alive and describring Iran.

blank said...

What a wonderful post, offering a pictorial view behind Iran's Islamic curtain.