Monday, July 23, 2007

Wholesale Execution Update

Kamangir: The recent execution of twelve men, for crimes such as rape and violent behavior, caused anger both in Iran and outside. This, according to a post in the Iranian Digg, is the scene of that execution as shown in the national television. I am not able to verify the authenticity of the image, but I will not be surprised if this is in fact a real picture.
Update: The picture is most likely to be authentic. Because it is viewed for more than 1500 times, in the source, and has received 142 comments. There are arguments there as of the relevance of crime and punishment, but to my knowledge no one has argued against the authenticity of the image. As of the poor quality of the picture, it is taken off a TV screen.
Update II: Interview with the men right before the execution, broadcast on the national television. Click Here

Kamangir has the downloadable version.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh please!
Surprised? Shocked that there still are dark and barbaric corners on this planet with an evil disrespect for human life?

All you see is the naked result of us as a socially incapable animal.

What really turns my stomach is the lack of spine of
our western,
our first world,
our modern - politics.

Bending definitions of liberation and democracy into a grotesque theater of power, money and fear.

Lets say...... 'justice '. Isn't that supposed to be a social and moral goal, regardless of age, religion, race 'n all the other stuff we fanatically categorise?

Then, why did we add a switch to it? When did we start abusing it as a tool? Use it when unilaterally favorable. Switch it off when it results in embarrassment.

And when a child of 16y is involved we apply those 'definition bending skills' to sooth any discomfort
