Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Twisted Parsley CAIN

Afternoon Coffee

By: C. A. Gents

Two of my neighbors stopped by the house for coffee yesterday. One is an ape, and the other, a pig.

They both know that I stay well informed about news from the Islamic Republic of Iran and they often come over to obtain news.

The pig asked me, “What are the leaders who dwell in the basement of the Islamic Republic of Iran outhouse doing these days?”

I replied, “Devouring decaying infectious disease-ridden things and spreading the toxin from the basement of the outhouse around the globe.”

The ape asked, “Why does the sewage that occupies the basement of the Islamic Republic of Iran have such sick minds?”

I replied, “The leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran believe in death, rather than life. They praise dead homicidal-suicidal monsters, while not caring for their own living people. If their people try to live, or try to escape the Islamic masters who have enslaved them, the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran will attempt to inject new toxin in them so they become vile homicidal-suicidal death machines.”

The pig said, “It sounds as if they are spiritually dead.”

I said, “It is as if the mothers of the Islamic Republic of Iran leaders mated with scorpions. Such creatures have stained souls and spew their toxic poison across the globe in an effort to make the world more like themselves because they are unable to become more like the world.”

The ape said, “Don’t they even have a God?”

I answered, “They took everything that is Allah and pulled it down into the basement of the outhouse, staining it with the vilest toxins. The end result has been the twisting of the word of Allah into lies used to support hate, death and destruction.”

The pig asked, “How do the Mullah (Islamic clergy) and their political President interact with the world?”

I answered, “President Ahmadinejad works hand-in-hand with the Mullah to bring chaos in the world. President Ahmadinejad thrives on chaos. Of course he uses others’ hands to create the chaos and directs them like a puppet master. Then as peaceful nations try to mend the chaos created by the Mullah toxin, President Ahmadinejad covertly sends others out to create more hate, death, destruction and chaos.”

The ape said, “The leaders occupying the Islamic Republic of Iran seem to be diseased cowardly barbarians.”

Pig replied, “Yes, that is a good description. They are toxic to world peace, and cowardly barbarians who hide their toxic deeds which kill innocent men, women and children around the globe.”

About this time Twisted Parsley arrived. Twisted Parsley tries to be like the rest of us but is in fact a plant.

Twisted Parsley said, “I represent the Coalition of American-Iranian Nationals (CAIN) and I want to tell you it is Islamophobia that is causing you to say these things.” It is, of course, well-known that Twisted Parsley promotes appeasement of the sewage occupying the government of Iran. Twisted Parsley often runs down leaders of brotherly groups like Against Big Extremist Leaders (ABEL). The group, ABEL, spoke out against the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran until appeasers like CAIN choaked the life out them.

I replied to the group, including Twisted Parsley, “History is full of stories where the life of good groups like ABEL has been snuffed out by wicked groups like CAIN. Leaders of groups like CAIN masquerade as good, while attacking good because they are evil. So too when we are called Islamophobic when we are not discussing Islam but, discussing leaders, Twisted Parsley attempts to slay our truth with distortions. Simply because we say those who occupy the government in Iran are both a political toxin and a religious toxin, it does not mean we are Islamophobic. It is of course the nature of brothers like CAIN and the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran to twist the true words of honest people into lies.”

The pig asked me, “What are the leaders who dwell in the basement of the Islamic Republic of Iran outhouse doing these days?”

I replied, “Devouring decaying infectious disease-ridden things and spreading the toxin from the basement of the outhouse around the globe.”

The ape asked, “Why does the sewage that occupies the basement of the Islamic Republic of Iran have such sick minds?”

I replied, “The leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran believe in death, rather than life. They praise dead homicidal-suicidal monsters, while not caring for their own living people. If their people try tolive, or try to escape the Islamic masters who have enslaved them, the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran will attempt to inject new toxin in them so they become vile homicidal-suicidal death machines.”

The pig said, “It sounds as if they are spiritually dead.”

I said, “It is as if the mothers of the Islamic Republic of Iran leaders mated with scorpions. Such creatures have stained souls and spew their toxic poison across the globe in an effort to make the world more like themselves because they are unable to become more like the world.”

The ape said, “Don’t they even have a God?”

“Twisted Parsley said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran is a peaceful nation.”

The ape said, “Twisted Parsley is again parroting the Islamic Republic of Iran and their agents.”

The pig said, “It is well-known that Twisted Parsley is a thug of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He only fools those with ignorant and weak minds.”

Twisted Parsley said, “See, the pig and the ape are Islamophobes!”

I looked at Twisted Parsley and said, “You are an Americanophobe. You protect those who shout “Death to America.” To call those of us who speak the truth names will not hide the truth. You work feverishly to mask the true barbarianism of the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to protect the vile creatures that use hostage taking, blackmail and terrorism as foreign policy. We may not have a PhD in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University, but we know right from wrong and good from evil.”


blank said...

Let me try it here... I love the graphic too! I got here by clicking on the title instead of the read more. No comments show up here yet. Two showed up where the post began. FYI.

SERENDIP said...

Thanks Roxie. I think it's fixed now.

Anonymous said...

very nice artilce. but I can't figure who is C.A Gents? where does the article come from? and why it uses a name like "twisted Parsley" as a reference to thoes leftist thugs? I use parsely in some kinds of dishes and salads but it never talks to me! maybe I need to learn more English?!

Unknown said...

Tremendous word picture!