All in one
Democrats and Liberals, Indpendents and Third party , and Republicans and Conservatives all in one Website.
"If you label me you negate me"--Søren Kierkegaar
Democrats and Liberals, Indpendents and Third party , and Republicans and Conservatives all in one Website.
Posted by
2:59 PM
Labels: Democrats, independents, misc, republicans, watchblog
From just a quick perusal, the 'Third Party and Independents' section appears to be partisan for the Democratic Party. If they self-policed a bit better it might be worth spending time with, but when the Nation is split 30/30/30/10 and one of the first 30% tries to steamroller the 30+10 (those unaffiliated with either party and those feeling truly disenfranchised by the two party system) you have a problem. Because the majority of the US is neither Left nor Right and not between them, either.
We forget that when the People are not feeling represented then democracy is failing. As it is what is now in power is *less* legitimate than what the National Socialists gained in Germany in 1932-3 and they had a multi-party system to deal with. When one side it feels it speaks for all of the People, you quickly *lose* democracy. So, in microcosm, we see that there... one side masquerading to cover more of the People. That is highly troubling, to say the least.
Most insightful as always. We missed you. Good to see you back.
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