Friday, August 17, 2007

IRGC: "We love our U.S. Designation and consider it a Golden Page in our history"

IRGC Celebrated 'IRGC Day' in a soccer stadium with great pomp and kitsch fanfare (bordering macabre) while Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami in his Friday Prayer added that the U.S. designation of the IRGC as a terrorist group adds a "golden page "to the history of IRGC and it's a proud moment for all. The guests included the mayor of Tehran and families from Lebanon Hizballah who were celebrating the anniversary of the end of the Israel-Lebanon war last year.

More photos here.


Winston said...

we'll see whether they'd repeat this crap when they're attacked by US airplanes....

Anonymous said...

They didn't celbrate the end of that war. they said they were celebrating Hizbollah's victory or better saying they celbrated Iraninan warmongers' victory in starting a war in another part of the wrold.