Shocking Video
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Shocking Video: This video shows a very young boy getting high smoking opium in the presence of an adult. The adult is asking the little boy, "What are you doing?" The little boy replies, "I'm getting high", to which the adult replies, "wonderful, give me five".
This is what the Islamic republic is doing to the children of Iran. Iran has the highest number of addicts in the world. Many of the parasitic rulers in Iran are involved in the drug trafficking and distribution.
And here is the rest of it.
And here is the rest of it.
Dear Serendip,
there is not enough word to express my feeling at the sight of this video. I am disturbed.
Katayoun jan: This is beyond sick and wrong on so many levels just like the issue of temporary marriages, which apparently has become a social norm. There is absolutely no hope left for Iran at this point.
Serendip, finally you said it. there is no hope for Iran at this point. When I was there I could see this coming. I really wished the U.S would attack or at least nuke Tehran. Instead the morons attacked Iraq.
Serendip Jan,
At this point we neither can give in nor can we afford to give up. This shall have an end too, like everything else in life.
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