Suggestion on how to stand up to Islamists thugs in the US
Stand Up to Islamist KavehV
I would like to recommend the extension of current sanctions placed on IRI officials by US state department. The background checks for visa and green card applications must include checks on association with IRI established organizations; IRGC, Basij, ministries and other repressive/terror organizations of IRI. Just like the old days when members of the Nazi party and Communist parties where denied citizenship, the path to citizenship must be blocked to anyone involved in any aspect of the Islamic Republic government and its funded organizations since November 4, 1979.
More importantly, to enable deportation hearings by Homeland security department on those suspected, or identified with Islamic activities, in concert with the policies and terror organizations of the Islamic Republic (a self declared enemy state). These individuals should be considered a security risk, not only for the US, but for the Iranian-American community, as the community will be at the highest risk from these groups/individuals, through their direct, or indirect extremist actions and intents.
There are several paths open for such petitions; through department of state that has already initiated these sanctions on IRI individuals, the homeland security and various local immigration initiatives at state level. The best way is to organize Iranian-American committees, or PAC groups (city, state and federal branches) to lobby the related government organizations for these measures and target Islamic Republic agents and related groups posing potential risk (death and murder of activists) for the Iranian-American community.
The choice is yours: organize and make a stance against Farsi speaking Islamist thugs in this country, identify and deport them, or suffer discriminatory laws that will effect everyone in the community!
Thanks for the suggestion, the tentacles of Islamic regime should not be treated any different than the Nazi's after WWII. Hopefully we will soon see a day when Iranian Hezbollah in its entirety is criminalized worldwide.
I agree with those coments ,but u forgot about salafist and wahabist terrorisem ,I would sudjest for law makers to inplements the law to sak the citizen chip from any one is involved with islamic crimes ,and use the article that every one has to be loyal to america as they sworn and start to deport them no matter they have citizen or not its betrayel to america .beleive me guys this is the best way to deal with those crichers take it from a non muslim living in a moslem state .forgive my bad english .
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