Saturday, December 09, 2006

Dear God Please Save Us From Axis of Geriatrics


Carolin Glick: When the history of our times is written, this week will be remembered as the week that Washington decided to let the Islamic Republic of Iran go nuclear. Hopefully it will also be remembered as the moment the Jews arose and refused to allow Iran to go nuclear.Do not repeat 1938 - when the comfortable Jews of Europe sat before their radios, read their newspapers, and debated. Contact your representative.

Incoming U.S. Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, tells Senate panel that the U.S. could not guarantee that if Iran acquires a nuclear weapon, it would not attack Israel with it. "I don't think that anybody can provide that assurance," he said.

This is mindboggling and shocking at once. If the fabulous Baker boys don't have enough information about Iran's goals, nature and strategically and morally wrong concessions ( We will stop the insurgency if only you will recognize the legitimacy of our regime, accept our nuclear program, and stop all efforts to support pro-democracy movements inside Iran. We can keep Americans from getting killed ) we have to agree to in return by now, they need to fire all of their research staff. Please, give the ISG your sincere thanks for a well done effort and send them back to their gated retirement home. Let them sit in their rocking chairs on the veranda and tell each other they "saved Iraq".

Axis of Geriatrics Members:

1) James A. Baker, age 76, Republican, Secretary of State under the first Bush

(2) Lee Hamilton, age 75, Democrat, vice-chair of 9/11 Commission, ex-Representative from Indiana with experience on foreign affairs and intelligence committees

(3) Lawrence Eagleburger, age 76, Republican, Secretary of State under the first Bush

(4) Vernon Jordan, age 71, Democrat, businessman, civil rights lawyer and advisor/buddy to Clinton

(5) Edwin Meese III, age 75, Republican, Attorney General under Reagan (controversial involvement in Iran-Contra)

(6) Sandra Day O'Connor, age 76, Republican, lawyer and Supreme Court Justice

(7) Leon Panetta, age 68, Democrat, Congressman (budget, civil rights, health, and environmental issues), Clinton's Chief of Staff

(8) William Perry, age 79, Democrat, Secretary of Defense under Clinton

(9) Chuck Robb, age 67, Democrat, former Marine, ex-governor of Virginia, Senator, Chair of Iraq Intelligence Commission (only member of ISG to venture outside "green zone" in trip to Iraq)

(10) Allen K. Simpson, age 75, Republican, Senator, chair of Veterans' Affairs Committee

Note: These picks are beyond my understanding. Five of the Group's members (that's half) have little or in most cases no experience at all--not just of Iraq or military matters, but of foreign affairs in general. To me, this is astounding. And surely the influence of the USIP (United States Institute of Peace) skewed the results, especially when dealing with minds that seem to be stuck on "words", "therapeutic talks", and "unreal realism".

1 comment:

blank said...

I love it! Excellent post.