Sunday, February 04, 2007

Faces Of Evil

By Alexandra von Maltzan

You remember my expose on Iran's current godfather of evil, Mohammad-Ali Ramin, who trumped his Holocaust denial with the recent claim that Hitler was Jewish and the founder of Israel -- all of course in the interest to further discredit the State of Israel in preparation for its destruction.

So, what sets Hossein Shariatmadari apart? Not surprisingly, he joins Mohammad-Ali Ramin as a member of a neo-fundamentalist think tank, another who's who of evil; all are of course sworn supporters of Thug-In-Chief Ahmadinejad and Supreme-Thug-In-Chief Ali Khamenei -- recently voted the 'least popular of Iranian leaders', just over 1%....

Also, Hossein is busy spreading the Holocaust denial propaganda via the Iranian daily, Kayhan, where he is Editor and General Manager of the Kayhan Institute and Publishing Company or, according to the Official News Agency of the Islamic Republic (IRNA), the head of the 'Media Mafia' -- it's a must read, granting us a rare insight as to the extend to which the Mullahcracy have fashioned their entire infrastructure after that of the Nazis.Hossein is not a journalist, who rose to the position of Editor. Instead, he was appointed by the Supreme-Thug-In-Chief Ayatollah Ali Khameneh'i to ensure that Kayhan becomes the "mouthpiece of the hard liners".

Under the title of “How the Media Mafia Was Formed in Keyhan”, IRNA starts by revealing the activities of the “team” that rule over Keyhan under the leadership of (...) Hossein Shariatmadari, (...) a former prison interrogator, who learned the business of bulletin writing (...) at the Revolutionary Guards Intelligence Unit.

“A media mafia has been formed within the Persian-language afternoon daily “Kayhan” for quite a long time now and works to implement a policy of violence”, IRNA says, adding that [at the time] Hossein Shariatmadari had been moved to a centre where he was able to start the work of spreading accusations and fabricating offences”.

According to IRNA, it was in the Qezel Hesar Prison, “where he spent several years”, when Mr Shariatmadari put together a team of repentant members from the outlawed “Arman Mostaz’afin” (Ideals of the Deprived) organization, which he later installed at Keyhan with orders to collect political and intelligence background information on reformers and dissidents.
In keeping with well-proven Gestapo methods, such information was then used to attack and 'character assassinate' reformists and dissident intellectuals.

Keyhan’s Managing Editor [Hossein Shariatmadari] had also a hand in the preparation and broadcasting of notorious programs such as "Peyda va Penhan" (Visible and Hidden) and "Hoviyat" (Identity) where leading journalists, politicians, scholars and intellectuals would randomly and indiscriminatingly be accused as being on the “foreigners” payroll.
Hossein's latest broadside, condemning the UN Resolution against Holocaust Denial, is even more eerie and evil when understood in that context:
The Holocaust, or the slaughter of Jews during of WWII by German Nazis, is a myth and a contrived story. [...]
There is no doubt that this resolution is an additional attempt to protect the regime that is occupying Jerusalem. In this situation, there is also no doubt as to the role that was placed on Israel, [namely to act] brutally against the Palestinian people and the rest of the Muslim nations. Not only can the U.N.'s Friday resolution not protect the role of 'the walking baton' for the collapsing Zionist entity, but it is a sturdy nail in the coffin of the U.N. The organization has long been on its deathbed, and it is not impossible that [even] before the collapse of the Zionist regime it will become a corpse, fit only for burial in the graveyard…

Rabid anti-Semite and anti-Zionist credentials, check!

Nothing new, though. Already in 2002, "just hours after twin attacks on Israeli targets in Kenya", Sharidmadri called for genocide:
After the lightning success of the Intifada against the Zionists, more and more Muslim revolutionaries have reached the conclusion that we should open a front outside occupied Palestine that targets the security of the Zionists and their protectors," the Kayhan newspaper said in an editorial. "They should all be killed and expelled from the areas where they have expelled you".

But apart from consensus over seeking the destruction of Israel, another common denominator emerges as even more striking among members of the Mullahcracy's leadership: Practically all of them are closely affiliated with Iran's blue-print copy of Himmler's Gestapo, the Revolutionary Guards Corps.
Even more disturbing, to earn ones stripes, years of interrogation duty in Iran's notorious prisons is a prerequisite; torturing innocent men and women is what sets these men apart, what makes them trustworthy as future leaders of the Islamic Republic.

Recalling the Angel of Death's words, "We don't want a system where people like George Bush can be elected as their leader, but instead want a system where the selection is ensured by reasonable and wise individuals"... As their hair grays, they will be the very same individuals, who had proven their reasonableness and wisdom during years of inflicting unbearable pain by breaking the teeth and bones of mostly young men and women with clubs and chains.
But our Liberal friends are eager to interview these murdering swine to support their, at best confused and at worst, [ fill in the gap...] political agenda. In fact, Muriel Mirak-Weissbach interviewed Hossein Shariatmadari only last month, repeating her boss' proposal to resume "full diplomatic relations with Iran, with no conditions, and revive normal relations with Syria", and furthermore asking if Iran would speak to the United States: "Obviously, a different United States—I'm not talking about Cheney/Bush, I'm talking about people you can trust, who, hopefully, will be in power soon." (Read More...)

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