Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Citgo and Chavez

You may already know this, I did not; Citgo is owned by government of Hugo Chavez. Their subsidiay Petro Express should be boycotted too.Therefore, if we boycott Citgo & Petro Express we reduce the amount of income & profits that Citgo Corp (retail distribution) gets, which reduces the profits that go back to Hugo, but only from Citgo.

In case you forget, use this jingle suggested by Jungle Mom:

CITGO, owned by Hugo Loco, gringo no go! :)


Bardia said...

با درود بر عزیزم
حاکمان حمهوری اسلامی از هر آنچه که زیباست می هراسند پس بلاگ تو نیز همچنین. به سختی با فیلترشکن پیدایت کردم و دلم دگربار به سخنانت گرمی گرفت. نوروز امسال سال پاسارگاد و کورش بزرگ بر تو فرزند پاک ایرانزمین شادمانه و پیروز باد
بردیا هستم پسر کوچک کورش بزرگ

Rosemary Welch said...

I knew about Citgo, but I didn't know about Petro Express. Thanks. I agree, except I do not have a car. Ya see, I believe in the environment better than Al Gore does! I refuse to drive...well...to be honest...I refuse to pay these prices to the terrorists. I also don't think I will buy another car until they come up with one that does not pollute. I guess I am a softie for the environment afterall! :lol:

SERENDIP said...

Dear Bardia: I'm so glad to hear from you again. The happiest of Norooz to you and you family. You're a very special person and I wish I could meet you some day. I wish the best in everything you do or set out to do. You're a gifted writer and I enjoy your writing immensley. Ba Drood Bi Payan va Arezooye Hamishe Shad Kami.

Rosemary: Wow, how could you not have a car in LA? But I admie you for not having one.

Rita Loca said...

Yes, it is true. Just remember this , CITGO, owned by Hugo Loco, gringo no go!