Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Love is not Easily Provoked

It's no secret that our society is short-tempered. We've callused our conscience to exasperation and fits of anger. The sweetness of love is the length of the short fuse to the temper. When the fuse disintegrates, an explosion of vehement passion is ignited. Sweetness is but a short whiff.
Anger does not become love. Rage is the selfishness of the heart revealed, and is often the manifestation of hatred. A person who is controlled by anger is a person who has caged himself to passion. Such a person doesn't know the value of loyalty or lasting relationships. Deep inside there's a festering tumor of bitterness and hatred that has control of his emotions and sets fire to his rage.

Love is the only prevention for anger. Matthew Henry said that, "Where the fire of love is kept in, the flames of wrath will not easily kindle, nor long keep burning." Anger and love seldom mix.

::: Love is the prevailing force in the face of injustice; anger is its own downfall.

::: Love is the victor in battle; anger the defeated.

::: Love overcomes his enemy; anger is overcome by his enemy.

::: Love is the life of relationships; anger the detriment.

It's love that keeps angry passions at bay. Love soothes the emotions and sweetens the mind to prevent it from conceiving anger. It is long enduring, and never will it become angry without a cause. With great will-power will it restrain and confine the passions within their proper limits.
True love is very slow to wrath, and quick to forgive. In this lies the secret of great strength. The mighty are those whose blaze is a flame of love, not a fuse of temper.



Plateau said...

Nice post. I think those who can't control their anger should also seek help with anger management.

They say the extreme opposite of love is hate or at least there is a fine line between the two.

different topic: Did you see my replies to your question regarding "links to this post" from my blog?

Rita Loca said...

I Corinthians 13

SERENDIP said...

Thank you, JM.

P: Yes, I did. Thx.

Anonymous said...

I don't thing love is what Mr. Duck has in mind.

SERENDIP said...

gardun: You're so funny.