Monday, April 30, 2007

Teachers Threaten to Protest in front of Parliament

The coordinating committee of the Iranian teachers union issued a statement yesterday in protest of the government’s refusal to address its demands, calling on all Iranian teachers to stage a walk-out on Ordibehesht 12 [May 2] and a gather in front of the Majlis (Iranian parliament) building on Ordibehesht 18 [May 8].

The committee’s statement says, “In protest to the illegal confrontation of security and military institutions with teachers in front of the Majlis building and the arrests of teachers in Tehran and Kermanshah, sit-ins were staged on Sunday 26 and Monday 27 of Farvardin in many schools across the country, and a statement of protest was issued reflecting a majority of the teachers’ requests and addressed to the educational officials, Majlis deputies and the president.”

The statement continues, “In light of the fact that officials have not provided any answers to our legal demands, on Sunday Ordibehesht 9, we will stage protests at the offices of the ministry of education from 9 a.m. to noon.”

The statement concludes, “In case our demands for full equality of pay and the removal of discrimination in paying government employees, as mandated by the equal pay law, are not met, we will stage a large protest in front of the Majlis building on Tuesday Ordibehesht 18.”

Twenty-eight different teachers unions have signed the above statement.


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