Thursday, May 10, 2007

Plea For Perspective and Sanity

I hereby, beg, grovel, plea, implore, beseech, supplicate to the Supreme Eminences and Grandest of Grandest Ayatollahs of the Islamic monarchy to please tell us what is the logic behind kicking and beating up women and banning imported tea and sugar(including sugar cubes) in the holy and martyr-raising goverment offices of nation of Iran? Is there a correlation or a causal relationship that us earthly peons cannot begin to grasp?

Kamangir has this surreal report from Iran: [...]

1- The executive deputy of the president published a statement banning the usage of sugar and sugar cubes in government offices. The statement emphasizes the use of alternatives, including dates and raisins, instead (Mehr).

2- The executive deputy of the president mandated government offices to only use Iran-grown tea (Baztab).

However, in the same country, the Police literally kicks a girl into a car. Her “crime” is to take her veil off in public, according to my understanding of the video.

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