Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Protest against Russia's Support of IRI and History Lesson on Russian Occupation of Iran

Potkin, a UK based blogger, reports today that the Iranian ex-pats staged a picket outside the Russian embassy in London today; to protest at Russia's continuous support for the Islamic Republic and the inhumane treatment of Iranian refugees in Russia. He also provides us with a history Russian Occupation of Iran. Here are a few lines:

Iran has suffered continuously from the unwanted interference by her northern neighbour in the last two centuries. Many of Iran's provinces were annexed by the Tsarist Russia, in line with their expansionist ambitions of reaching warm waters of the Persian Gulf. The Russians opposed Iran's constitutional revolution by siding with the despot Qajar king, bombing the new parliament and killing thousands of Iranian freedom fighters.After Iran's occupation in the second world war by the allies, the Russians and their puppet installed government in Azarbijan refused toleave the Iranian territory. Throughout the second half of the 20th century too, the Soviet backed Communist Tudeh Party, kept destabilising the country and served faithfully its pay masters in the Soviet Politburo.

Since the establishment of the Islamic Republic in Iran, the Russians have been close allies with the clerics in Iran, both during the Soviet years and the neo-KGB era.Today coincided with the anniversary of the liberation of Iranian Azerbijan from Russian occupation after the second world war. Iranian ex-pats chose today as an appropriate occasion to stage a protest picket outside the Russian embassy in London to condemn Russia's continuous support for the clerics in Iran and the mistreatment of Iranian refugees.Interestingly, the Russian embassy refused to accept a letter and a petition by the organisers fearing that the papers may be contaminated!


روابط عمومی نانا said...

تيوب رز عزيزم مرسي براي مقاله ها
مقاله برنامه ريزي براي تعويض مهره ها
را به شکل کلي براي بچه ها نوشتم و لينک
را هم گذاردم
اين مقاله مرا خيلي به فکر فرو برد و خيلي
برام روشنگرانه بود
بايد بسيار راجع بهش فکر کنم باور کن مدتها
بود با خود ميگفتم اين وسط اين عناصر گنجي
و باقي قراره چيکار کنند مثلني ؟
و هي فرضيه هاي مختلف را کنکاش ميکردم
ولي به نظر ميرسد که اين سناريو خيلي خيلي
واقع گرايانه است مگه نه
نه سيخي ميسوزه و نه کبابي و گه ميره شاش
البته بايد بيشتر فکر کنم به همه جوانب که اساسا
شايد براي کل مردم ايران بد هم نباشد
خودم که دلائلي دارم
تا ببينم چي در مياد از کار
نظرم را به زودي خواهم نوشت ...مرسي عزيزم شاد باشي نانا

blank said...

good for the Russians who are willing to stand up against mad mullahs!

Anonymous said...

Secrets of the Russian embassy in Iran (1828 - 2005)


..and Russia's connections to Hezbollah and how Iran opened the East Africa market for Putin: