Tuesday, February 06, 2007

U.S. Military: Iraqi Lawmaker is U.S. Embassy Bomber

CNN: BAGHDAD, Iraq -- A man sentenced to death in Kuwait for the 1983 bombings of the U.S. and French embassies now sits in Iraq's parliament as a member of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's ruling coalition, according to U.S. military intelligence. Jamal Jafaar Mohammed's seat in parliament gives him immunity from prosecution. Washington says he supports Shiite insurgents and acts as an Iranian agent in Iraq.

This is just insane...


Frieda said...

well, apparently he has immunity because he is a parliament memeber..isn't this ridiculous?!

blank said...

Sorta makes you wonder if Maliki is an Iranian agent as well.

Unknown said...

This is insane! Thanks for sharing, I hadn't read or heard anything on this elsewhere!

SERENDIP said...

Frieda: It's truly pathetic.

Roxie: I won't be surprised at all. After all he is a member of Dawa party.

Pam: My thanks for visiting my blog. It's in the realm of twilight zone...LOL

blank said...

pam - that is because the news in the west is a few selectively chosen sound bites -- it is called coroprate censorship. A few corporations own most news services and make the choices about what those in west get as news.

Rita Loca said...

The twilight Zone is real!!!! Seroiusly, I am listening right now to fighter jets from Russia fly over my house with Iranian pilots training the Venezuelan airforce.
Koolaid, anyone?