Saturday, March 17, 2007

Disturbing Trends in Academia!

The Telegraph reports:

A leading university has been accused of "selling out" academic freedom of speech by scrapping a talk on links between the Nazis and Islamic anti-semitism after allegedly receiving emails from Muslims protesting about the event.

Matthias Küntzel, a German author and political scientist who specialises in the threat of Islamic fundamentalism, was told yesterday by the University of Leeds that a talk scheduled for yesterday evening, and a two-day workshop, on Hitler's Legacy: Islamic Anti-semitism in the Middle East, had been cancelled because of security fears.

In a statement yesterday, two academics in the Leeds German department, which had organised the event, claimed the university had bowed "to Muslim protests". Dr Küntzel said he had given similar addresses around the world and there had been no problems.

He added: "I was told it was for security reasons - that they cannot shelter my person. But I don't feel in any way threatened.

''I know this is sometimes a controversial topic but I am accustomed to that and I have the ability to calm people down. It's not a problem for me at all.

"My impression was that they wanted to avoid the issue in order to keep the situation calm. My feeling is that this is a kind of censorship.''

He has given the talk at Yale and in universities in Jerusalem and Vienna.

Dr Küntzel said the contents of emails described to him did not overtly threaten violence but "they were very, very strongly worded''.

He added: ''It's stupid, because I also talk about Christian anti-semitism.''

Since When Freedom of speech has become controversial in Western democratic societies?
How much bullying are we going to take from the Islamists and accommodate their Sharia laws over our own?

The Paper which would have been delivered is titled "Hitler's Legacy: Islamic Anti-semitism in the Middle East". (Click here for the PDF File)

Via Harry's Place

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