Friday, March 30, 2007

The NewsHour (TV Program) Last night!

IAN CUTHBERTSON, a former analyst in the British Foreign Office.
" No, the British are not Italian. They don't make deals to release hostages. It's possible that, if the sailors were released, then a few weeks and months from now the Iranians may be released, but I don't see a quid pro quo situation."

John Pike from
"The that nobody went into this expecting that they were going to have to producecourtroom-quality evidence to back up their claims."

Karim Sadjadpour from Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace
"You see this almost mood of schizophrenia out of Tehran, that on one day, they're talking about one thing, a diplomatic resolution to the nuclear issue, and then another day you see the taking of British sailors detained."

Three analyists discuss the British hostage situation on "The NewsHour", PBS. Read the whole transcript here.


Rosemary Welch said...

Notice, however, they are not talking about how to get rid of that regime?

SERENDIP said...

rosemary: I Know. I liked the British expert who said, "We're not Italians and we don't negotiate!"