Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Iran: Khamanie, Butcher of Iran, Opines on Virginia Tech Massacre

But the man who took it remained anonymous. Until now. He was the only anonymous recipient in the 90-year history of the award. Mr. Razmi preserved 27 of the photos on a contact sheet and stowed it away in his home. See my previous post and the rest of the pictures here.
And today, the ever-hypocritical, Supreme Leader of Islamic Republic in this hate-filled propaganda editorial in one of the Islamic Republic of Iran's official daily opines on the horrendous Virginia Tech massacre. It is truly disgusting.

Can you find anyone taking this buthcher to task in any major news networks or print media to respond to this hypocritical and virulently anti-American propaganda being spewed by the Supreme Leader of ignorance in Iran? If you do, please notify me.

No wonder the U.S. is losing the propaganda war (the most vital part of winning a war) across the Middle East and the entire globe.


Anonymous said...

I believe these Iranian Kurds being massacred by Palestinians on behalf of the Mullahcracy. Please look at the shooters in the left of the picture and at the far left. Do you recognize the headscarves?

I believe the picture at the following link is the same massacre from a different angle.

SERENDIP said...

Gardun: I know many palestinians were hired as mercenaries and flown to Iran specifically for that purpose. Amir a blogger and a German language teacher in San Diego remembers Araft staying in a hotel where his father used to manage. He was only 10 years old at time. He says that Arafat brought young girls as young as 10 to 12 for Khomeini and his goons as gifts and he saw what went on in those hotel rooms and he was disgusted. This is his site:

Michael said...

I read that Khamani article; it was twisted.

Thanks for posting; this sort of information needs to get out more.