Thursday, April 26, 2007

More Medieval Savagery by the Islamic Republic!

Iran: Magazine Cover, Circa 60's. (two movie stars)

Via Aryamehr: More in regards to the Islamic dresscode - when the Islamists first overtook the country in 1979 they would go around spraying acid on Iranian women's faces and use razor blades on their lips...

In addition to setting these animals loose the regime is also tightening dress-restrictions on Iranian males who are being arrested for wearing short-sleeved shirts and "un-Islamic" hairdo's. Male university students wearing shorts in their own dormitories are also being arrested and fined. Shorts are outlawed in the Islamic Republic as they are seen as un-Islamic.The whole situation is unreal knowing that we are in the 21st century...and knowing that only 28 years ago Iranian women, during the Pahlavi Era, were free to dress AS THEY PLEASED is just mind-boggling to witness what low point these Islamists have taken our country...

It's truly sad that my Iranian grandmother and mother had more social justice and freedom in the 30's,40's,50's, 60's, until 1979 than women have had in the Islamic Republic the 80's,90's and 2007.

Of course the 'veil issue' is the least of Iranian women problems. Women are stoned to death and are forced by their fathers and brothers legally to marry at the age of 9 (they recently raised it to 13) and can't get a divorce and custody of their children.

After Khomeini-Carter-induced pestilence of 1979, the legal age of marriage for women was reduced from 18 years to 9 years old according to newly imposed sharia laws by the medieval mullahs. In other words, pedophilia is legal in the Islamic Republic. As a result, husband killing has been on the rise progressively in Iran and half of the women languishing in jails are these poor women who were forced to marry at a very young age and when they grew up, they killed their molesters and abusers...The apologists and appeasers should be so proud of their women-stoning, women-trafficking, sex-slaving, Acid-throwing, face-cutting, lips-slashing, leg-amputating, tongue-removing, eye-gouging, and child-molesting Islamic Republic. What's even more tragic is that these acts have become the norms and people have been desynthesized by these repeated acts of violence to the point that you hardly ever hear any outrage anymore.

Thank you Mr. Carter and Mr. Brzezinski. The irony is that with all of these restriction in place, prostitution and drug addiction are an epidemic in the Islamic Republic and abject poverty is raging and there is no viable middle class to speak of unlike the late Shah's era when the country saw a thriving middle class emerging rapidly in every corner. Even the farmers and peasants, in remote villages could afford to send their kids abroad (Europe and U.S.) to get a decent education, and later turn against the shah in U.C. Berkeley and other prestigious universities...End rant.

Watch the video of Iranian women demonstrating against compulsory veiling in 1979 here.

All since Khomeini's Revolution of 1979 and imposition of Sharia laws.

This is an opportunity for the Liberals, the Left and the women's rights activists in the West to show the Iranian people where they stand on fundamental issues of freedom and human rights. Do they back Iranian people's legitimate struggle for huma.n rights and democracy, do they back Iranian women's just cause for equal rights? Or do they only come out of their closets for a bit of US bashing?Imagine what a boost it would be for other Iranian women's rights activists, if suddenly the international community displayed a massive show of solidarity for them. Imagine if the international community, instead of debating whether they should give in to the rulers of the Islamic Republic or preparing for a military attack, or begging the Iranian officials for talks...


Alan Peters has more on this here.


Sherry said...

I wonder just how many have actually left that religion.

Rita Loca said...

This area shows the true hypocrisy of the liberal left.

Anonymous said...

It's surreal seeing you link to "American-bashing liberal institutions" like Amnesty international and then ask if liberals back women's rights.

Anonymous said...

In the first picture (the boy and the two men) they only want to know how big it is! what's so bad about it?!