Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Iran: 15 more executions tomorrow at dawn in Evin Prison

گزارش تکاندهنده؛ سحرگاه فردا پانزده تن دیگر اعدام خواهند شد
کمیته دانشجویی گزارشگران حقوق بشر
گزارش تکان دهنده از برخوردهای صورت گرفته با متهمین با عنوان " اراذل و اوباش"
بنابر اعلام دستگاه قضایی 15 تن از متهمان با عنوان "اراذل و اوباش" سحرگاه فردا در زندان اوین اعدام خواهند شد.
نیروهای انتظامی با همکاری دادستانی که در ماههای گذشته با نام طرح ارتقای امنیت اجتماعی، برخورد با افراد با عنوان "اراذل و اوباش" را آغاز نموده بودند، در طی دو هفته گذشته بیش از 20 تن از متهمان را در شرایطی اعدام نمودند که به گفته ی تعدادی از خانواده ها پرونده های آنان مراحل قانونی آیین دادرسی را پشت سر نگذارده و در مدت گاهی کمتر از یک ماه حکم اعدام آنان به اجرا گذارده شده است.

Iran press news: "Tomorrow, at dawn, 15 more "hoodlums and gangs" will be executed in Evin prison. Within the past two weeks, more than 20 people have been executed and according to their family members their cases have not even gone through the regular judiciary and trial processes, and they've been executed less than one month of being arrested.--end translation.

The Islamic Republic routinely executes political prisoners under the pretence of
common criminals. Last week Maysam Lotfi, a student activist was hanged/executed as a "gang member". Iran’s judiciary habitually manufactures trump up ludicrous charges (including forced confessions) or tag on extra charges like ‘rape’ or ‘murder’ to sow confusion amongst local and international human rights campaigners.

Maysam Lotfi, student activist, executed last week as a "gang member".

The process and methods by which these verdicts are arrived are extremely dsyfunctional and arbitrary. The judiciary, legal system and courts, in general, in Mullah ruled Iran are absolutely dysfunctional.

Two different people can be sentenced to two different punishments for exactly the same crime depending on how much each one is favored by those in charge of passing the sentence. If murder, kidnapping, thievery, adultery, torture and rape was to be applied across the board, then many of the ruling mullahs and their cohorts should have been stoned or hanged to death long ago. Not to mention that many of the articles which currently exist in Islamic government constitution are not adhered to or are generally so vague and codified that one can interpret them any way one wants to and is expedient. Basically, if you’re part and parcel o the regime's elite, you can get away with murder and much worse.

They are intentionally vague and highly subjective. Check out capital offenses are actually mentioned in IR constitution including articles 83, 102 and 104??and others.

Basically, if you’re a Basiji or IRGC or Reformists (e.g. Last year murderer/rapist Basiji freed after spending a few days in jail see: Iranian.com) or part and parcel of the regime, you can get away with anything but if you’re not part of the regime's cabal, then you’re out of luck.

Also consider blogger,Katayoun's excellent points on difference between democracy and theocracy:

Democracy, can be defined in terms of “the elected representatives of the people” and their role as “the legislators”. But Theocracy relies on the legislative power of Allah. In other word, “the legislator is Allah through his prophet”. (Religous rights aretthe only rights recognize; human rights are irrelevant in a theocratic system)

Democracy: permits modifications of laws according to the “conditions and needs of the time”. But, Theocracy does not recognize such modifications and accordingly treats the “laws” as “absolute, and unalterable”.

Democracy: treats every man, all subjects, as equal in the eyes of the law. But Theocracy does not recognize such “equity” and declares that, “in the eyes of the law, Moslems are above Non-Moslems”, just as ‘men are above women”, and accordingly, “religious minorities” are “second-class citizens”. And on top of that, “Non-believers, and non-recognized-religions” are excluded from “civil” treatments.
Democracy: allows ‘limited power’ and of course, ‘accountability for the head of the state’. (For the sake of these definitions, we need not argue as to whether these criteria are being met at the hands of a democratic system or not, for it does not effect the aforementioned statements)Theocracy: thrives on “unlimited power’ as well as justifies and validates ‘unaccountability’ for the head of the state, the Vali-e. ( Guardian of the retarded,supreme leader of Ignorance, Khamenie). ”

1 comment:

blank said...

Oh such sad days as the few in power try to still the voice and snuff out the cries of the many.