Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ghastly Details of recent Stoning of Jaffar Kiani in Takistan, Iran
جزئیات تکان دهنده از پرونده سنگسار تاکستان
• وکیل مدافع: اخبار غیر رسمی که در صدد اطلاع از صحت و سقم آن هستیم حاکی از آن است که جعفر پس از سنگسار در حالی که گوش و بینی اش کنده و له شده بود، همچنان زنده بود و وقتی پزشک قانونی زنده بودن او را تائید می کند، آقای (...) با یک بلوک سیمانی بزرگ بر سرش می کوبد و اورا به قتل می رساند

Shocking new details of stoning in Takistan, Iran.

"Defense Lawyer:Unofficial news which we are going to verify its validity indicate that Jaffar Kiani after was still alive even with his ear and nose fragments stoned off into pieces. When the Medical examiner established that he was alive...Mr (....) struck his head with a big cement block and murdered him."


blank said...

The barbarians, and their barbarian religious beliefs need to be removed from power and locked safely away for the remainder of the lives.

SERENDIP said...

Roxie: How can we trust these kind of people even if said they will stop all terrorism and nuclear programs if the U.S. gives them the grand bargain?? Does it really make any sense to ever trust a regime like this??

blank said...

They will not stop either... Read my new post at

blank said...

One more thing. I firmly believe the religious extremists occupying Iran must be removed from power if the world expects to see peace. The regime is counter-productive to peace.