Islamic Republic's manufactured universe!

If those planes look familiar to you it's because they're the Thunderbirds, the official flight demonstration team of the U.S. Air Force. Have the T-Birds gone over to other side?Looks like IRNA couldn't find enough of their own jets to get in the air, or didn't dare fly them that close to one another. I'm pretty sure the Thunderbirds are still on our side.(You can see the full-sized photo on IRNA here.)
In a related news, Gateway Pundit reports that Iran's new jet, Azarakhsh, is Iran's old jet, Saegheh (Thunder)
Another oddity is that while Iran has to import oil to the tune of $6-10 billion dollars annually due to lack of not enough refineries, the Islamic Republic in its "infinite wisdom" has decided that Senegal's need supersedes Iran's desperate need of refineries.
Yet we find that the international community has been buying this kind of disinformation from the IRI for a long time: Iran forgets to build nuclear power plants for its "peaceful" use ( but enriched Uranium and yellow cake it has). This illustrates that it is not just Iranians who are magnificently manipulated but we in the West are suceptible to disinformation too.
After U.S. Forces Seized Baghdad's Airport:
"We butchered the force present at the airport. We have retaken the airport! There are no Americans there!"--Baghdad Bob
Link via Holycoast
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