Monday, August 27, 2007

Islamist Fatwa Against Islamic Republic of Iran

Islamist cleric issues Iran warning

YNET NEWS: Leading Kuwaiti sheikh attacks 'Iranian expansionist scheme', warns of 'Shiite exploitation'

Iran and its associated Shiite sects are hijacking Arab causes and exploiting them to serve an "expansionist scheme", a top Sunni Islamist cleric warned in a statement.

Sheikh Hamid al-Ali, based in Kuwait, is a leading Islamist ideologue, whose teachings are often posted on Islamist websites. He has been linked to al-Qaeda activities in the Gulf state, and is described by the US government as a "terrorist facilitator who has provided financial support for al-Qaeda affiliated groups seeking to commit acts of terrorism in Kuwait, Iraq, and elsewhere." Ali is also well known for lashing out against Shiites.

In a statement posted on an al-Qaeda affiliated internet forum on Sunday, Ali cited western reports tracking Iran's nuclear program, and military expansion, before turning his attention to Iran's role in the region.

"Lebanon is a vivid example the Iranian expansionist scheme at the expense of real Arab causes, which are exploited by Shiite sects," Ali said. "Iran has also established strong relations with the Palestinian Islamic resistance, enabling it to use this relationship to organize events (in the Palestinian territories). Iran was very devoted to a Hamas victory in the elections," he added.

"The jihadi movement has to be aware of the reality of the size of Iran's influence, and must not allow Iran to exploit legitimate causes, as seen in Lebanon," he declared.

"In the coming stage we will see more isolation, friction, and escalation... and an inevitable confrontation," Ali predicted, adding that "it is certain that Islam and Muslims will be victorious," describing his vision of Sunni Muslims overcoming Shiites.

Responding to Ali's comments, members of the jihadi forum called for holy war to be declared against Iran. "We ask that God makes the Islamic State of Iraq (Iraqi Sunni jihad group) declare war against Iran for the sake of Islam, and awaken the nation to the danger of Iran," one member wrote in a message in the forum.

Professor Raymond Tanter, co-author of the recently published "What Makes Iran tick," said Sunni jihadis had cause to fear Iran, but told Ynetnews he doubted a full-scale war would erupt between al-Qaeda and Iran.

Iran's imperial ambitions
Tanter is also president of the Washington-based Iran Policy Committee, comprised of former officials from the White House, State Department, Pentagon, and intelligence services. He said Ali was not alone among Sunni clerics in condemning Iran. "Other Saudi sheikhs have even condemned the imperial ambitions of Iran, not only because of the threat from Tehran's nuclear weapons progress, but also because of the Iranian regime's support for Shiite Hizbullah in Lebanon," Tanter said.

"As Iran progresses toward nuclear weapons status, there is an increasing pushback from Sunni spiritual and political leaders about the Iranian threat to create a Shiite crescent and to dominate both Shiites and Sunni Muslims," Tanter explained. "Because the Iranian regime arms, trains, and funds militias killing Sunni civilians in Iraq, leading Wahhabi sheikhs in Saudi Arabia are increasingly critical of Tehran," he added.

Tanter said, however, that "there is little chance of war between Sunni al-Qaeda and the Shiite state of Iran. Both have more in common than they share differences," adding that "there are indications that Tehran provides safe haven to portions of the al-Qaeda leadership. That said, however, Sunni jihadis are correct to view Iran as a threat to them."

Dr. Ely Karmon, a senior researcher at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), of the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, told Ynetnews that Sunni-Shiite warfare had already been waging since the 1990s...


Anonymous said...

giving them a taste of their own medicine!! hehehehe...

Rosemary Welch said...

It's true. I've been watching this happen. Iraqi clerics and the gov't has also declared a fatwa against terrorists and terrorism. Now we have to see how much weight the gov't can really carry...