"We are a World Power"--Ahmadinejad
بيخود می ترسيدند جنگ شود
ما فقط قدت منطقه نيستيم
بلکه قدرت جهانی هستيم!
فقط يکی دو کشورند که غرورشان اجازه نمی دهد بگويند ايران اتمی را پذيرفته اند. قضيه تمام شده و ما از گردنه اتمی گذشتيم و به ساحل آرامش رسيديم و پرونده اتمی ايران هم از شورای امنيت به آژانس انرژی اتمی برگردانده خواهد شد. بيخودی راه افتاده اند به اين بانک و آن بانک می روند و می گويند فعاليت هايشان را با ايران قطع کنند. در آينده خبرهای خوشی درباره پيشرفت های اتمی می
"They were afraid of war for nothing"
"We are not only a regional power;
But a world Power"
"There are only a couple of countries that their pride doesn't let them to say that they have accepted the Nuclear Iran. The issue is a done deal and we have passed the atomic milestone (turning point) and have reached the shores of tranquility. Iran's nuclear file in the UN security council will be returned to the IAEA. They've (the U.S.) launched this useless campaign of going from one international bank to another and telling them to stop their relationship with the Iranian government...In the future, I will have good news about our nuclear progress"--President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
bita, it makes perfect sense. He is a barbarian. He has a lust for power. He is filled with arrogance.
A world power which 90% of its people are hungry and drug addicts.... Yep, thats what I call power too.... ;-)
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