Sunday, January 20, 2008

Two of our most Robust symbols of capitalism, Citibank and Merrill Lynch, have announced record losses

Our country’s greatest financial institutions (CITIGROUP and Merrill Lynch) have had to resort to Arab Govt capital to keep them afloat. Why have so many of our “greatest” financial institutions come to such low state of affairs that they have to go hat in hand abroad to beg to be sold partially? "its a global world.. money moves in all directions…blah blah blah”

The most powerful nation on the planet is destroying itself. This is "laissez-affaire policy" gone dangerously close to Dihmmitude. This scenario is downright disturbing. Foreign governments are gaining more and more leverage in US major financial institutions. This can’t be helpful to this country’s sovereignty in the long run. Speaking of the economy, the dollar fell even more after Bernanke began discussing drastic rate cuts. (I couldn't do much shopping while I was in Europe because the dollar had fallen so low compared to two summers ago. Everything seemed so outrageously expensive. I couldn't even buy hot dogs for less than $23 for two people.)

The winning theme for these upcoming elections shouldn’t be CHANGE.. it must be ACCOUNTABILITY

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is disturbing. The world is getting richer, but didn't we help them get there?
$23.00 for 2 hot dogs!!?? Ouch!